Chapter Two: Try To Understand

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Y/n felt two hands grip his shoulders and shake him. He groaned, opening his eyes a bit. His head throbbed and everything was too bright. "Y/n, what are you doing down here?" Y/n looked up to see Jimmy, staring at him with a concerned expression. All of the memories from the night before flooded back into his head. The crying, the blood, the woman. Y/n became frightened, backing away from him, shaking. Jimmy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He kneeled down and put a hand out to Y/n, "what's the matter?" It sounded like Jimmy. He no longer had the strange, gravely voice from the incident and he was dressed in his usual waistcoat and hat. Y/n backed himself up against the kitchen wall, unsure of what to make of everything. Jimmy frowned, moving a little closer to him, his hand still out to Y/n. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe." He glanced up at the clock, "It's 3am. We've still got a few hours until the hotel opens. Lets get you back to bed." He reached out slowed and grabbed Y/n's hand, trying not to frighten him. Y/n flinched at his touch but allowed him to grab his hand. "Jimmy?....." Jimmy smiled and nodded, "That's right. Its just me. You must've just had a bad dream". He looked strange as he said that but Y/n let it go. He nodded and Jimmy helped him to his feet. Y/n trembled, feeling dizzy. He stumbled forward, his legs giving out before he could stand upright. Jimmy caught him, wrapping his arm around Y/n's torso to support him. Y/n was too disoriented to protest. They stepped into the elevator and Y/n suddenly felt how tired he actually was. He leaned into Jimmy a bit, yawning. Jimmy paid no mind to it as he helped Y/n out of the elevator. He brought Y/n to his room and helped him settle in. Y/n, after finally settling in his bed, groggily looked back at Jimmy who smiled as he turned out the lights. He closed the door behind him, his smile fading.

"What did you do, Hugo...", he muttered to himself. He sighed and fixed his tie, making his way back to his own room.

Y/n watched through the peephole as Jimmy walked away. He sunk down to the ground, back pressed against the door. "Hugo..." He replayed that name over and over in his head until he fell asleep.

*A few hours later*

Y/n awoke to a soft knock at his door. He groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore it. The knock came again, a bit harsher. Y/n sat up, rubbing his eyes. He stretched and stood, opening the door. "Ready for your first day? Well...first official day at least". He nodded sleepily at Jimmy, stepping forward and resting his head on Jimmy's chest. He felt Jimmy tense but kept his eyes on the ground. "N-now now, no time for that. We've got a lot to do", he sputtered out, seeming a bit flustered. He stood him upright, guiding him back into his room, "I assume you have some type of formal wear? You can't wear sweatpants to greet guests", he chuckled. Y/n nodded, rifling through one of his drawers and pulling out a white dress shirt and black khakis. "That'll do. Meet me at the front desk once you're dressed. We have to serve the guests before we can serve ourselves." He gave Y/n a quick pat on the back and rushed out. Y/n washed up and got dressed, popping in his headphones and making his way to the elevator. He felt a quick tap on his shoulder as he waited for the elevator to come. He pulled out an earbud and turned around. An old man stood behind him. Large, thick glasses, slicked back grey hair, and a neat, black suit. Y/n smiled politely, "Hello. Do you need something, sir?"

"Do you work here?"

Y/n nodded, "Just started, yes."

"My wife went down for dinner last night, I haven't seen her since she left. An old woman, mean face, old purple dress, is it possible that you saw her last night?"

Y/n hesitated, his mind going back to the angry woman from last night. He cleared his throat, "I helped out at dinner, I don't recall seeing anyone like that in the dining hall". The man looked down, disappointed. Y/n's heart sunk. He looked around nervously as the elevator doors opened. "My boss might have seen her. He was there from the beginning of the dinner service to the end. I can take you to ask him if you'd like." Y/n immediately wished he hadn't said anything but it was too late to take it back. The old man nodded without hesitation, following him into the elevator. Y/n fidgeted nervously. 'This..."Hugo"' from last night looked exactly like Jimmy, there's no mistaking it. Something's wrong here. Is Jimmy toying with me? Who is this Hugo person.' The doors opened and Y/n walked over to the front desk, the old man following closely. "Jimmy?", he called out. "Back here!" Y/n motioned for the old man to wait at the desk, going around and peaking into the back room. Soft oldies music played in the background, the room dimly lit by a lamp in the corner. "There's a man asking about his wife. Purple dress, old, apparently she attended dinner last night." Jimmy turned to Y/n seemingly concentrating, trying to remember. Y/n analyzed his face, hoping he'd be able to tell if Jimmy remembered the incident at all. "I don't remember seeing...Wait. The rude woman from last night?" Y/n tensed, nodding slowly, "Maybe." "I remember her leaving before the food came out. She came back while everyone was eating and made a fuss. Not sure where she went after that..." He noticed the worried look on Y/n's face. "Did something happen?" Y/n hesitated. The bell rang from the desk area. Y/n peaked out at the old man who waited impatiently, "Just a minute!" Jimmy neatened himself up and grabbed Y/n by the arm. He grabbed a small, red bowtie from his desk and fitted it under the collar of Y/n's shirt. "Better."

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