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(Haikyuu rp)
Name: Ukai E'lon
Birthday: 5/27
Age: 15
Gender: Androgynous Male
Height: 7'0
Hair: is white
Eyes: are are a dark orange
Skintone: dark brown.
Aperrance: when first meet he wears grey sweats, black and white sneakers, navy blue rank top, and is wearing boxer breifs, with a jock under it. (Youll understand why later.) He has a eight pack, 23 inch chest, 22 inch arms, and a protruding bulge. 😏😏😏
Personality: shy, nonthreatening, friendly, would be the type of person that would make sure all needs, would be met in your stay while you were sick, very empathetic and respectful; especially towards women, and just an all around well-hearted guy.
Hobbies: cooking, cleaning, organizing, and traditional art.
Likes: being with friends, training, relaxation, spa or me days, helping family, videogames, studying, helping others.
Dislikes: bullies, racists, pedophiles, predators, (just bad people in general), talking about his past.
Pet peeves: people who self define themselves as not worth anything, karens, people getting under another persons skin.
Fears: the dark, and thunder, and ths fear of being judged constantly.
Crushes: Nishinoya, bokuto, kurro, the twins, and ushijima
Scars: he has a massive scar on his left shoulder on his back, it gose all the way to his right hip.
Background: he was a nice kid, loved by most, had his dads charm and his mom's cooking abilities, all was great. Until he told his uncle he was gay, he hired a personal killer and he gets that massive scar due to the scuffle. Over the years he grew bigger than his classmates, them calling him a freak or a monster, whenever he tried joining volleyball they'd let him on the team no problem, not even acknowledging his skills, all they cared about was his height, he lives with his older brother, the coach of the team. He still visits his parents every day.

School: he enrolled into fukurodani high or karasuno.
Lives: in Japan
Family: mom, dad, pet cat named Burakku
1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th: 1st year
Position: server, or blocker (he is a substitute for blocker.)
On his bulge, he has 13.5 in length, 7 in width. The reason that he needs the jock is to make sure that they all get in there and is pack up comfy, the boxer breifs are so they can be able to breath.

(From my scenario)
Name: Dante Remus Nyxson
Nickname: baby bear (to me) papa bear (to him)
Age: 16
Height: 6ft 5in
Weight: 285lbs
Gender: masculine male
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: 4/18
Sexuality: homosexual
Eyes: almond brown
Hair: is at mid neckline length, messy dark chesnut brown. The hairstyle is like a bed head with a slight fade at the sides.
Body type: hourglass
Apperance: he has a six pack, and a good anount of chest hair he has a visible vline and a bush of hair with a happy trail. Has a 14 inch "eggplant".
Personality: loyal, kind, will take care of you, loving, a bit overprotective, likes to give gifts, friendly, supportive, and thoughtful.
Likes: anime.

(Update to Naruto rp)
Hinto katona
Gose by hino-kun, hino-chan, and eron-kun
Age: 15
Birthday: 8/11
Male/mtf trans. (Has ability to change private part. Has humungous cock so he usually has it in his female form, but he dose do his male form on occasion.
still gose by he/him pronouns)
Body type: is currently in an eight pack and has 25 inch pecs, 26.5 inch arms, has a triangular body type. Has a treasure trail.
height: (part 1: 4'1) (part 2: 7'7)
Weight: (part 1: 280) (part 2: 190)
Makeup: N/A
Hairstyle: has hair down most of the time but puts in an occasional bun or reverse fishtail braid.
Accessories: fox mask with horn
Scent: smells of orchids, lilacs, and vanilla.
Scars: massive one going from left shoulder to right hip.
Jewelry: two bracelets on right hand
Eyes: silver

Parents: both dead, aboptive parents: orichimaru and tobi.
Siblings: only child
Realatives: none
Bestfriend: saskue, Naruto, rock lee, and Tobi
Friends: gara, akamaru, kiba, yuhi, the other teams team members.
Senseis: jirigaya, kakashi, and tsundere
Enemies: hinata, sakura, the akatsuki.
Pets: N/A

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