Shut up and eat

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It was a hot sunny Friday. Summer was in its full form and everyone was looking forward to the summer vacation. People in the streets were happily discussing what trips they wanted to go on, shopping for all the necessary things and preparing everything to detail. Despite the perfect weather for playing outside, the PE teacher of the first-years at Nanamori Middle School decided to play volleyball in the gym instead. Students didn't really mind it, it was their last lesson, so they were happy to get some exercise after studying hard. But there was one girl who was not happy about it. In fact, she was sweating a lot and her knees were shaking just from thinking about what was going to happen.


The blue-haired girl heard other girls shout her name as she was supposed to serve the ball to somebody else and definitely not let it touch the ground. The score was tied and this was the final chance to win. Her final chance to not mess this up.

Himawari was trying her best to focus and not let the others down, she could feel that every person in the gym was carefully watching her every movement. It made her very nervous and she started sweating even more. The ball was rolling around in the air and coming her way and she was somewhat ready to serve it. Suddenly, an unpleasant pain struck her stomach and she completely lost control of her actions. She put her hands on her stomach and lightly squeezed it as if it would make the pain disappear. Within a few milliseconds, the ball she had completely forgotten about hit her in the head. Everyone cringed at the sight. Fortunately, the hit wasn't that hard so she didn't lose consciousness, she just fell on the ground and felt even more pain.


The teacher blew the whistle to announce the victory of the other team and also to make sure students stop playing so that she can check on Himawari.

"Are you okay, Furutani-san?" asked the teacher with noticeable worry in her voice.

Himawari just nodded.

A girl from her team standing next to her walked towards her, gave her a sad smile, and reached out her hand while asking: "Are you ok-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? DID YOU DO THAT ON PURPOSE, BOOBAWARI?!" a voice that had completely cut off the poor girl cried. It belonged to no one else but Ohmuro Sakurako, who was mad at Himawari for the millionth time in her life again. Normally, Himawari would've put Sakurako in her place and yelled at her, but this time, she couldn't. She was in too much pain.

"Hey now, you know I do not tolerate such behavior in my class. Please calm down, Ohmuro-san," warned the teacher. Sakurako was full of rage, but she wasn't stupid enough to pick a fight with her teacher. She gritted her teeth and turned around, clenching her fist. The teacher looked around the gym, then at Himawari, then around the gym again, and finally spoke: "Congratulations to the winners' team and also the other one as well. Class dismissed."

All students started exiting the gym with Sakurako in the lead. She was incredibly mad at her rival and childhood friend. 'This isn't fair! We lost the match because of that stupid booby idiot! What the hell was she thinking?!' thought Sakurako and started changing. When she took off her shirt, she looked down at her plain body. The fact that she was flat made her mad even more. Why did she have to be like a cutting board when Himawari was already pretty much developed? She glared at poor Himawari and aggressively put on her uniform.

Himawari, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. She knew her classmates were cool about it since they knew Himawari wasn't a natural talent when it came to sports, but what about Sakurako? She was angry with her again and Himawari was so tired of her tantrums. Her stomach hurt, her head hurt, she just wanted to go home.

Oh, right. She still had some work in the Student Council. With Sakurako.

She frowned at the thought, finished changing, and headed out of the changing room. Of course, Sakurako was right behind her, ready to blame her for the defeat of their team.

Shut up and eat (Sakurako x Himawari)Where stories live. Discover now