a surprise visit

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[🍼] ship :: karl x sapnap x quackity (karlnapity)
[💞] requested by :: no one
[✨] warnings :: little bit of a sad baby
[🥺] rough plot :: the trio are in a long distance relationship but quackity and sapnap surprise karl with a visit
[🦕] date published :: 8th April 2021
[🐼] words :: 1044

~sapnap's pov~

quackity and i had been karl's caregivers for about a year now and we had all been in a relationship for nearly three years. unfortunately it was long distance, but we made it work. discord calls were a saviour, to say the least. we practically did everything together. eating, sleeping, looking after tiny karl. all through calling each other. although i do wish we could move in together one day

karl didn't know, but we had been planning to surprise him with a visit. this had been planned a few weeks ago. it was quite hard for us to keep it secret and not tell him anything. i'm honestly not very good at keeping things secret but i knew that he would be so excited to see us. for this to work, we had to leave call early. quackity and i would be 'filming together'. I felt a little bad that we both left him but when he realised why, I'm sure he wouldn't feel so mad with us

~karl's pov~

sapnap and quackity went earlier than usual today. we were calling on discord and just hanging out. we would normally make dinner together and watch a film then all sleep on call. but then quackity announced something and they both left me, alone, in silence. apparently, they were going to film a video together. I felt a twang in my heart knowing I was being left out of whatever was going on

we said our goodbyes and all logged off. i sighed and checked my phone out of boredom. as much as i loved calling my boyfriends all the time, i always felt a little sad and empty whenever we eventually left the call. i took my headset off and got out of my gaming chair. climbing into my bed, i decided to take a nap. sleeping wasn't something that came to me easily at night so i often took naps during the day to make up for it

i wasn't exactly sure how long i slept for but it was definitely at least a few hours. i messaged our group chat to see if they had both finished their recording yet. i got no reply. my heart sank, they'd both left me alone. it was just those two, i was left out. i felt sad and slightly fuzzy. no no no i couldn't regress without sapnap and quackity.

i hadn't regressed without my boyfriends there in so long that even the thought of being alone was scary. panicked, i messaged my caregivers again. they told me to always message if i was feeling small

'sappy? q? m feelin sad an a little fuzzy. please message soon :('

no reply, again. i sniffled and curled up, feeling very sorry for myself. i also felt mad at m caregivers, ignoring me. reaching under my pillow, i pulled out a decorated binkie that i bought. i then snuggled back up, this time with my teddies. i whined and kept messaging my boyfriends, hoping they'd respond soon

~quackity's pov~

i pulled on the handbrake and looked at sapnap. we were here. he grabbed my hand and kissed me. it felt so surreal. we were about to meet karl, all three of us together! i eagerly stepped out of the car and locked it once sapnap was also out. i was so excited for all three of us to be together. we'd all met separately but never together. this was going to be so much fun

nerves rushed through my body along with excitement as we approached our boyfriend's door. i knocked on it and grabbed sapnap's hand. he smiled at me and i squeezed his hand. we waited for karl to open the door or make any noise. there was no answer? so i knocked again. still, no answer from karl

we looked at each other, confused. maybe he fell asleep? he did take naps often during the day. sapnap opened his phone and i assumed it was to message our boyfriend. he looked at me and showed his messages to us. our hearts sank, he was sad and feeling tiny without us

i felt so guilty. we should've just told him what we were doing. i should've known he was too sensitive to be left out. I tried to open the door, it was open. mental note, scald karl about that later. but for now, we rushed inside looking for our babyboy

"karl? baby?" sapnap went into what i assumed was his bedroom. opening the door, we were greeted by a curled up, sobbing ball. when i gently said his name again, he looked up and made a broken whine. i went over and picked him up, our poor poor baby

~3rd person pov~

karl clutched onto his caregiver, sobs escaping his lips as quackity desperately tried to calm him. quackity rubbed the small boys back and sat on the bed with his baby. he felt so guilty for the state he had put him into. sapnap wanted to tell karl, quackity wanted it to be a surprise

while quackity held the toddler, sapnap went to the kitchen. he was looking for a bottle or something of that description. once he found one, sapnap filled it with some milk and gently heated it in the microwave. the timer pinged and the caregiver took the bottle out of the microwave. smiling, he clutched it close and took it into the bedroom where he assumed his boyfriends would still be.

all three boys cuddled on the bed as karl suckled on his milk. he was slowly calming down, especially now he wasn't alone. sapnap and quackity weren't expecting to start off their visit with such a sad baby but they wouldn't change him for the world

A/N: first chapter woooo!! i'll probably make a part two to this soon because there wasn't much tiny content oops. anyways!!! i hoped you liked this hehe

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