getting lost

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          Sitting upstairs in that room, i relize that this is what I have to do. To keep both of us safe. Hesitantly I walk over to our closet and bend down pulling out a slab of wood. This had been my hiding place for things such as money, birth certificates, and whatever else we may eventualy need. I take out everything and place it on the ground in front of our bed. all the while Sage staring at me intently. I take a glance at the birth certificates and set them aside. then I start counting out the money that I had saved over the years from 6th grade to 11th. I had put aside $75 each month from my paycheck. And let me tell you over the years it has added up. Though I admit, a few times I had bought Sage a new toy or some extra grocerys for the month but after I finished counting it there wasn't much that I could complain about (money wise at least). A whopping $4105.47.

      "Wow!" breathed Sage. I dont think that she had ever come in contact with this much money before... ever.

       "I know huh? it's nice." I breath. But there is one more thing that was in the floorboard and that was an exceptance letter from Evergreen Prep. A the begining of this school year I had sent in a form to go there. I had explained my sistuation to the supervisors. My request was to let Sage live in the dorms with me. It would work out perfectlty, since Sage was starting Kindergarten next year, she could just go to school there well I went to school here. About three months after I applied they sent me my exceptance letter. However, I didn't tell anyone not a single soul not even sweet Sage. i had originaly planned to leave two weeks before my school would start. But I guess that desperate times call for deperate measures.

     "Sage, honey?' I call.

     "Mmmm" she replys.

     "Look... we have 10 minutes, thats all. You can pack whatever you want but that's all. Pack your clothes, i'll do the rest.

         I turn around and go to the closet getting out all our clothes and putting them in the one suitcase that we have. I manage to stuff all of my clothes in there too. carefully i pick up the car keys, and carefully climb out the window and load the suitcase into the old pickup that i had bougt when I turned 16, knowing fully well that even back then I would leave with Sage some day. I return to the room taking the sheets and comforters and shoving them in the back seat then returning to stash the money in my backpack sling it over my shoulder, along with Sage's backpack and her few toys. I hurry Sage out the window and carefully close it. I open the door for Sage and she climbs in the backseat.

   "Stay here ok? i'll be right back I half say, half whisper to her.

    "Can you grab Suzie and Nate please Kels?" Sage asks. Oh course! how could i have forgotten? Suzie and Nate are Sage's pet goldfish that she loves dearly. As i climb through the window and crab the small tank i turn to go back out the window, when I suddenly hear the door creaking open I don't need to turn around to know who it is.

     "Honey please don't go, I love you sweetie, so much, so much." It's my mom. She's said that before though, she's trying to keep me from leaving. Of course they are i'm her personal punching bag, I have been for years. And that might never change if I dont take action.

    "Lisa, we're leaving."

    "NO YOUR NOT!" she yells starting to come towards me. She was getting closer I jump onto the tree and before I know it i'm in the old car, and pulling out of the driveway and making my way back to the freeway entrance heading West towards Washington State.

    "Are you hungry hun?" I ask Sage wondering if she had eaten when I didn't hear a reply I turned around and there she was asleep. She looks like an angel when she sleeps I think to myself.

    Turning back aroound I look over at the dashboard it reads 9:26 PM.  we should probably pull over and get some shut eye. I get of the freeway and pull into a motel that reads Freddys Motel. I go around and get Sage out of the car seeing that she is alreadywaking up nw that the car is stopped. Carrying Sage into the lobby I ask the man at the front for a room for the nigth.

   "You girls OK?" he askes "You look awufully young to have a child as old as this little pumpkin here." he comments.

   "No Sage is not my daughter Sir., she's my sister."

     "Tell ya what here lil missy, obviously if your out here at this time at night, your life is probably not the best. I'll give yoou a room but don't worry about paying its on us."  This man is a savior.

   "Thank you so very much, you have no idea how much this means."

    The kind gentleman hands us the card to get into our room for the night and gives us directions. Once we arrive I bring out some pjs for me and Sage. I slip mine on then get ready to give her a bath. After the bath Sage dresses herself in pjs and curls up in bed with me. I hum her a song... it's our thing that we do before bed each night. Soon enough I feel myself gettng sleepy and off to sleep I go...

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