being lost

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          I wake up the next morning and to my surprise it's already 9:12. Sage will sleep forever if you let her so I decide to go down to the car and get her some clean clothes. When I return with my backpack containing fresh clothes for us both I dig out two cans of peaches. Hey it'll last us till we can get to the grocery store.

         About 9:45 Sage wakes up. While she was still sleeping I had gone down to the main entrance/lobby and asked the man that had helped us the night before if they sold bathroom soap for children anywhere. Luckily they had a bottle or two left. I bought a bottle of Johnsen & Johnsen so that it wouldn't hurt her precious blue eyes and returned back to the room. When Sage wakes up a take her into the bathroom and get ready to give her a bath. Her lower cheek was begining to scap. I help her undress and lead her into the bathtub, then I turn on the facuet letting the water get a little bit hotter than luke-warm. There is a washcloth waiting already in the bathroom so I begin to wash her hair and body. When she is finished with her bath she puts on her clean clothes while I begin to pack up our very little amount of stuff, since I had already gotten dressed long before she woke up.

       Finally we're packed and ready to go. As we walk down into the lobby feeling refreshed from the good nights sleep I thank the man once again for his genorosity and kindness. He smiles and nods.

       "You have yourself a good day Miss." He calls after us.

       "A great day." I say, mostly to myself though.

       Getting in the car and driving to the nearest gas station I pull me and Sage out of the car and go in to fill up the car. I let sage pick out some grocerys for breakfast and I also buy a map. That's it and we're back on the road again.  About 3:00 PM I look on the map. Were about 3/4 of the way there. We stop again for the last time to get something for lunch and dinner and then to let me and sage go pee. We eat our lunch in the car Sage asking me questions about where we are going to live, with who, will we still play at a park, and so on. I'm happy when she finaly falls asleep. Pretty soon the map is telling me to get of at exit E24. Which I gladly do. We continue on a nicely paved road for almost two miles I guess before we reach a big wooden sign that reads Evergreen Prep, Home To The Mountain Lions. As I drive past the sign the road opens up and I can suddenly seel what I guess is dorms and many very large bulidings with signs and banners hanging everywhere. It's still light, only 5:00. Tonight, we were not going to sleep in a motel... we were going to sleep in a dorm.

                                                                We were OUT...

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