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Kiana pov

I wasn't feeling well today. I felt nauseous as soon as I woke up. Luckily today, my schedule was a little different from others. I had a modelling session. I didn't have to wake up the same time as the boys. They woke up an hour earlier which meant that they won't see me much in the company the whole day but I was still worried on how I would explain it to my manager. I quickly got up but immediately fell to the ground with a loud thud. I couldn't even stand properly. This is going to be a big impact on my modelling.

I pulled myself together and used all of my energy to get up. I eventually stood up with the support of the things around me. I looked myself in the mirror and saw how pale I was. This isn't good at all. It's too obvious that I was sick. I lifted up my shirt and I have never noticed that I was so thin that I could see my ribcage. It wasn't easy to just gain weight. It seems easy to others but it wasn't easy for me. I have to eat abt 4 kg of food to just gain 2 kg. I didn't have time for that. Especially not today.

I fell to the ground again because of the lack of energy I had. My head was spinning like crazy as if I was in the roller coaster ride over and over again, non-stop. I couldn't focus on my breathing either. I tried breathing slowly and steadily but it was like my body keeps nagging me for more air repeatedly. I crawled my way to the living room slowly. Hoping that at least one of the member was at home, doing something. Lady luck was definitely not on my side today.

I wanted to faint so badly because of the lack of oxygen my body had. My hand roamed around the living room but I remembered that my phone was in the room and not with me. How long more do I have to continue suffering this bullshit. I was just hoping at least one member to come back to the dorm since he forgot something. Just one. My head started spinning even worse. My breathing got tighter as if I was gasping for more air. My vision got blurry. The light slowly faded into darkness.

Lee know pov

I didn't see kiana at the company and she wasn't there during any of the practices. Our manager also asked us but we had no clue where she was. We all tried calling her but we were all sent to voicemail. It was odd. Kiana had never missed one of our calls, despite how busy she was. We all thought that maybe she was showering. We called her after 15 minutes but no response. Since it was break, I took an excuse that I had a headache and couldn't continue the practice any further. The manager sent me home and told me to ' get well soon ' which was a whole lie. I rarely ever got headaches.

When I reached the dorm of the front door, I key in the password and unlocked it. I took off my shoes and put them at one side. I had not taken off my mask and the first thing that caught my eyes was kiana. She was lying against the couch. I tried calling her name several times. No response. I quickly rush to her side and put the back of my hand onto her forehead. She was burning up like crazy. " Shit. " I mumbled. She was probably here for hours and nobody realised. I lifted her up and quickly put her into my room and on my bed. ( which was the closest to the living room. )

I filled a small bucket with cold water with a cloth with one hand and the other calling Chan. I went to her side and dipped the cloth in the bucket and squeezed the water out and put it on her forehead.

" Hello ? " Chan asked

" Kiana passed out in the living room. " I replied, keeping my pace to balance talking to Chan and taking care of Aerin.

" What? " Chan replied.

" Kiana passed out in the living room with a high fever. She look really pale. " I said.

" Oh my god ! We'll be right there ! " Chan quickly said and ended the call.

I went to get more cold water for her and waited for the members. Not long later, they arrived with the manager. They had mixed emotions on how they felt when they saw kiana, pale, on the bed. Both worried and feeling unbelievable. We were all quite worried. We couldn't even sit still without going to the room to check on kiana. Jisung and I stayed in the room. Chan didn't want all of us to be there or chaos happens. Jisung and I were busy cuddling (?) and taking about random stuff when kiana started shifting. We stopped our talking for our while and turned our head towards kiana's direction.

Kiana slowly woke up and stared at us blankly as if we were strangers taking care of her.

" How long was I passed out ? " Kiana asked.

" About 7 hours ? " Jisung replied.

She opened her mouth and closed it again. She wanted to get out of bed in a hurry but we both stopped her. Jisung went to get the members.

" your not well yet. You had a high fever due to the lack of exhaustion and food. Why haven't you been eating ? " I asked.

She was silent. She didn't know what to say.

" Kiana. " I said.

" I don't know. I just felt like.." she didn't know how to describe it.

" Like what Kiana. " I asked. It sounded like I was pressuring her. I just wanted to know the truth.

" Like the world was telling me I was fat okay ?! Stop asking Minho. " Kiana raised her voice as soon as the members came in. It was my turn to be silent. I just nodded.

" Kiana, I think you should calm down and rest before we eat dinner. " Chan advised her. She sigh and nodded before lying down. I still chose to stay in the room but without jisung this time. Kiana sat up again and did grabby hands towards me. I was confused but moved forward. She hugged me and used her amazingly amount of force to make her sit on my lap (?)

" I'm sorry I shouted. It was like you were pressuring me to tell you. I just didn't like it. " She stated, still clinging on me.

" I'm sorry too. I wanted to know the truth. That's all. " I drag her whole weight onto my lap and hug her.

I hummed her to sleep and eventually she fell into slumberland. She wouldn't let go of me but at the same time, her position didn't look comfortable. With an amount of force that didn't hurt her, I managed to put her back on my bed with the covers on-top of her. After she slept for about 2 more hours, I woke her up. She groaned and cling onto me again. It was adorable but I had a feeling I was going to get sick because of her constantly hugging me. I managed to make her walk to go eat dinner. We got Chinese food which was kiana's favourite.

After she ate, she laze around the couch for a while with countless whinning. We got her to brush her teeth and go to bed early. I hum a different song and she fell asleep and so did Jisung. They look so peaceful.

In the end, minho didn't exactly get sick but he kind of did ?

[ A/N ]

( Updated on 2 December 2021 )

This is trash

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