The Letter

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"An album?" I asked with surprise.

"Yep. Would you like to release one?" asked Tsukino, his hands on the desk before him.

I tilted my head. "Definitely."

He smiled as if he knew that would be my answer. "There's also someone from a different agency who would like to collaborate with you."

"And who might that be?"

A girl walked in excusing herself. I turned to look at her, as familiar pink-hair and bright eyes looked back at me. "Estelle!"

"Lady Haruka."

"She wanted to write a song for you, after she heard you had your debut. We'd like to add it into your album."

"Why, that sounds delightful," I said, as Haruka smiled and I inclined my head politely.


We headed out together, as Haruka told me a little about herself and her company, speaking with a little bounce in her voice as she spoke of the group she was assigned to. I listened patiently, understanding she loved those humans.

"Haruka!" rang out a voice. We both turned to see a brown-haired man run to us across the street, followed by three people.

"Reiji! Don't yell on the road," said a cyanin blue-haired boy whose eyes seemed to pierce through the lie I was living.

Reiji smiled sheepishly and walked over to Haruka, his eyes settling on me, as the rest of the boys stood beside him.

"I'm Reiji Kotobuki," he smiled as he introduced himself.

"Ai Mikaze," said the blue-haired boy, ignoring me after that. But I studied him a little further—his voice sounded very similar to that of Rui's own angel voice. Perhaps that was my ears malfunctioning.

"Ranmaru Kurosaki," said a grey-haired boy, looking as if he'd rather be anywhere else.

"My name is Camus, peasant. You'd do well to remember it," said a silky-haired boy, acting with all the haughtiness of a king's closest advisor. Somewhere in the back of my head, I realized this man had a voice similar to Haru's, if only infinitely harsher.

Irritation flashed in me as I said, "Of course, you'd do well to remember me too, foolish mortal."

His eyes widened in disbelief and anger, "How dare you..."

We stared daggers at each other, until Reiji stepped between us. "How about you introduce yourself too?" he said, seeming desperate to shift the topic. So this was the one who kept his group out of trouble.

"Estelle Celeste," I said, inclining my head politely to Reiji.

A pair of girls walked by, and did a double take seeing the four boys. "You're Quartet Night, aren't you?" asked one of them.

A sudden change came over Camus like someone had flipped a switch. He bowed to the two ladies, the way one might ask someone to join them on the dance floor. I watched with amusement as he said, in a gentler voice, "Indeed, my ladies. It warms my heart to see you supporting us."

The girls blushed and walked away. You know, they used to call me two-faced.

I coughed in an attempt to clear the bile in my throat.

"Is there something about my manner that displeases you?" Camus asked. I wondered why he hadn't dropped the act, and then realized the girls were still within earshot.

"Your entire existence," I said with a sweet smile, making sure only the immediate vicinity could hear.

Camus' smile became strained, as Reiji grabbed him and pulled him away. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Estelle!" he said, as they left, Ranmaru and Ai not even glancing back.

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