chapter i

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"wars don't last forever, lucy,
we'll be home soon."


It was a nice day when five children got off the train to go to their new temporary home, Four were siblings, one was not.

The tallest boy with dirty blonde hair spoke, "Do you suppose this is the right place? There doesn't seem to be anyone around?"

The youngest boy with dark hair, looked around before pointing to a carriage, "is that it?"

A woman pulled infront of them, "you must be the Pevensies and miss Young correct?" The four siblings and the young girl all nodded in confirmation.

The woman then sighed softly, "Is this yet? Haven't you brought anything else?" She asked the five of them.

The two oldest children named Peter and Susan, had shared a look at each other before Peter eventually said, "No, Ma'am. It's just us."

The youngest girl, with soft auburn hair named Lucy, gave a small nod.

The woman, Mrs MaCready sighed softly, "Well then. Come on." She motioned for them to hop on.

Peter helped his little sister get on then helped his younger sister and hopped on himself. Edmund, the second boy, helped the third girl named Danielle, to get on the carriage before hopping on beside her.

The horse started walking again and the four siblings and Danielle looked at each other, everyone not knowing what to say.

The ride with the carriage seemed to last long, for everyone was nervous. When the huge house of the Professor, who was the man who took them in, came in sight, Lucy stared at it in fear.

It was so huge!

Danielle gently placed one of her hands on Lucy's and gave her a comforting smile. Lucy smiled back.

What would wait for them?
They all didn't know how it would be in their new home and all of them looked a little bit scared to the huge house.

They got off the carriage and Mrs. Macready led them into the entrance hall.


The room was huge and at one end there was a staircase that split halfway into two, one left and one right. There were marble busts and expensive-looking paintings.

"The professor is not accustomed to having children in his house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting or running, no improper use of the dumbwaiter, and no touching of historical artifacts!"

Susan who had reached for one of the marble busts quickly took her hand back and Edmund, Peter, and Danielle who looked at each other tried to suppress a laugh.

"And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the professor!", Mrs. Macready finished and looked at each of them.
Chills went down Danielle's spine.
That woman was kind of scary.

She just hoped, she wouldn't be alone in one room with her.


Mrs. Macready showed them their rooms.
Danielle was in one with Susan and Lucy and right next to them were Peter and Edmund.

In the evening they all met up in the girl's room.
Peter turned on the radio. He wanted to know what was happening, and if there were some news that would be important.
But after the message over the recent air raids came, Susan switched it off.

Peter looked at her accusing, but Susan looked back at Lucy who already lied in her bed. Danielle sat next to her.

"The bedding is so scratchy here", Lucy said quietly. Danielle didn't know what to answer.
Peter sat down at the end of the bed and Susan stood next to him.

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon", she said.

"Yes", Edmund said and walked into the room. "If our home is still standing then!"

"Edmund!", Danielle snapped at him.
How could he say such a thing where everyone wanted to comfort the others?

"Isn't it time you were in bed?", Susan asked at the same time.

"Yes Mum", Edmund said and rolled his eyes.

Why didn't he react to Danielle, instead of only to Susan?

"Ed!", Peter snapped.

Then he turned back to Lucy.

"This place is huge", Danielle said. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun!"

Lucy smiled slightly, and Danielle smiled back to reassure the little girl.

"Tomorrow's going to be a great day!", Peter said.
"Peter and Danielle are right. You'll see", Susan said and nodded to reassure Lucy more.

"We could explore the house!", Danielle said, excited now.
"Or the woods out there. Maybe there are falcons!", Peter said smirking.
"Foxes!", Edmund and Danielle said at the same time.
"Badgers!", Lucy said grinning.

They all looked to Susan,
"Maybe Rabbits?"

Danielle laughed a little when she saw Edmund sighing and rolling his eyes. Behind Susan and Peter's backs, he moved everything Susan said with exaggerated expressions.

Danielle tried to hold back a laugh so hard, she probably looked pretty weird.

Edmund realised that and just continued to do more abstract faces until Danielle burst out into laughter, while everyone else was looking confused at her.

"Shouldn't we all go to bed now?", Lucy asked, curiously.
Danielle tried to get rid of the laugh and nodded, out of breath.

Peter and Edmund said good night and left.
The three girls went to bed and before sleeping in Danielle thought,'Hopefully tomorrow will be just as great as we said before!'

A/N - Hope you like the first chapter and I'll get onto the next chapter! :)

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