chapter ii

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"can't we play hide
and seek?"



The next day wasn't as great, like they thought. They all woke up to start the day. The sky appeared to be grey and heavy rain poured down and against the window.

The children all sat together in a room, Danielle looked for interesting books, Edmund lied under a chair and wrote something on it, Lucy sat by the window and stared out the window, Peter sat on a couch and Susan, who sat on the opposite side next to Peter, on the couch, had a huge book in her lap.

"Gas - tro - vas - cu - lar", she began, "Come on, Peter, Gastrovascular!"

With a sigh, Peter turned around and asked, "Is it Latin?"

"Yes", Susan said.

Edmund looked up from the ground and asked with a smirk, "Is it Latin for ’worst game ever invented?"

Danielle smiled but Susan closed the book while looking like she would wish for another family.

"We could play hide and seek", Lucy suggested and walked up to Peter.

"But we're already having so much fun", he said sarcastically, while looking at Susan.

"Pretty please!", Lucy begged.
"Yes, please!", Danielle pleaded also.
Hide and seek here sounded like a fun idea, there were many little rooms and hallways where you could hide.

Peter seemed to think for a moment before he said, "One", and started to smile.
He continued to count and Lucy and Danielle ran excitedly out of the room.
Danielle could hear Edmund protest but he came too.

Danielle and Edmund ran around the mansion trying to find somewhere to hide.

"Where should we go?" Danielle asked. Edmund shrugged and started to run. Danielle followed him, but because she was way shorter than him, she was also slower than him.

He ran around a corner and when Danielle came around it also, she saw Lucy running away and Edmund grinning triumphantly.

He turned around to Danielle and waved to sign that she should come closer. Danielle ran up to him and Edmund said, "We can hide behind this curtain!"

Danielle felt unsure slightly but said nothing about it and went to hide with her best friend behind the curtains as Peter's counting continued.

Edmund looked at his friend as he snorted, "What are you even so worried about?! You're short, so they won't be able to see you at all!" He remarked smirking a little in amusement as he was on the lookout.

Danielle rolled her eyes in response. He sure liked to point out their height difference, a lot.  The two waited for awhile. Until suddenly, Lucy came pounding down the stairs yelling, "I'm alright! I'm back! I'm alright!"

Danielle and Edmund froze. 'What did she mean by that?' Danielle thought.

Edmund then poked his head out in annoyance, "Shut up, he's coming!" he huffed before he grunted seeing Peter appear in the doorway.

"I'm not sure if you three got quite the idea of the game," Peter pointed out puzzled as he stared at his siblings and Danielle. Danielle became concerned for her friend as she spoke, "But weren't you wondering where I was?"

What did she even mean by that? Danielle wondered.

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