Chapter 5

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"A great deal of concern is given to the tracing of royal bloodlines. A certain level of 'purity' was expected to be maintained in order to be considered a royal. However, as bloodlines continued to mix, there was some unease about the genetic closeness of some matches. Queen Abelia Yarrow was instrumental in funding research programs that helped explore this problem." - From Royal Bloodlines, page 490.


"Do you think Prince Goran will be there?" Vencia asks as she buttons her dress. She tugs on the sleeves, clearly dissatisfied with the fit.

"Where?" I scoff, making sure my collar is buttoned as high as it will go. Despite deciding to keep our father's last words to myself, I have yet to find a good solution for the necklace he passed to me, so around my neck it stays. I haven't been able to look at it anyway, afraid that once I see it again the truth will somehow be too real to keep to myself.

"At the welcoming banquet. I heard some people talking at breakfast. There's always a welcoming speech and a committee of royals that greet the new refugee program people." Vencia has moved on to her hair, trying to make a delicate braid.

"Here, let me help," I say, taking over. "And, I'm sure Prince Goran has better things to do."

"Don't you think he wants to see you?"

I bite my lip at the thought of seeing him again, and I hate that after so many years my heart still races at the thought.

"I don't know for sure that it was him who got us into the program. Could have just been luck. And, like you said, maybe he doesn't even remember us."

"I didn't mean that. You're pretty unforgettable, Val."

Just as I finish braiding Vencia's hair, the train comes to a stop. I have to brace myself against the bed at the suddenness of it.

"Oh finally," Vencia almost sobs. "I can't wait to put my feet on solid ground. How do I look?" She smooths her dress.

"Beautiful. But you're missing something." I reach deep into the backpack in search of our mother's jewelry box. I had been too nervous to access the contents of it while we were at the mercy of thieves in the safe camp.

"What are you after?"

"Close your eyes," I wave a hand. Reluctantly, Vencia complies. When I've found the box, I separate a matching pair of earrings and a ring, each a delicate gold with inlays of pearl and shell. "Okay, open your eyes."

For a moment, Vencia stares at the jewelry in my hands as her lower lip begins to shake. "You grabbed mom's jewelry box?"

"Do you want to wear the earrings or the ring today?"

Vencia blinks at me as if to ask permission. "The earrings?"

"Here you go." I slip the ring onto my right hand, making sure it has a secure fit and won't slip off.

Vencia takes a deep breath. "Thank you for this." She turns her head from side to side. "They might make this frumpy outfit just a bit more stylish."

I laugh as I zip the backpack up. Despite getting new clothes, all the contents of our lives can still fit in this one bag.

"Come on then," I nod to the door. "Adventure awaits."


We gather outside of the train car with the other families, all of us wearing our new clothes and clutching our belongings nervously. I spot Indigo and approach her with a smile.

"Nice sparkle," Indigo teases, pointing to Vencia's ears.

"You girls look lovely," Seema beams, her hands holding Kya and Juniper close.

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