1 - A Familiar Face

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"Who would've thought (name) would be here?" An unfortunately extremely familiar face popped around the corner to greet her.

"Good to see you too, Jaemin." She nodded her head towards him before turning around, trying to find an exit out of this house party.

Parties weren't really her choice of fun. The only reason she was here was because her friends wanted her to come out of her dorm room every once in a while and she had no choice but to agree. For the sake of her long awaited privacy, she had to at least attend some sort of outing with her friends once a week. Not a difficult compromise at all because for the rest of the week, she got to stay in her dorm or chill in their dorm rooms without having to bump into strangers or talk to them. She had no problem talking to people, truly, she was fine with it, she just preferred to be alone. Ever since she was a child, she never liked recess time or going outside, she liked the indoors, it was safer that way and she didn't have to think so much. She hated her mind sometimes, overthinking and over analyzing are her vices.

"Hey, hey, where are you going?" Jaemin gently grabbed her elbow, dragging her slightly back to her previous position. "We haven't seen each other in a while and I was thinking about you."

"You? Really? Thinking about me?" She raised her eyebrows as she stared at him run his fingers through his platinum hair. "You're funny."

"Hey, I can be serious too, you know?" He clicked his tongue at her as he leaned a little closer into her space. "How's your family?"

"They're doing okay, they've been traveling so I haven't been able to see them that often." She sighed as she looked around the crowded house, wanting to find her friend.

"That must be hard on you, huh? You've always been close to them." Jaemin nudged her shoulder and smiled down at her. "Whenever you see or talk to them, tell them I said "hey"."

"Will do." She nodded before spinning around and walking away from him and into the crowd of strangers.

Jaemin and her had a past. A very complicated and difficult past. Their families knew each other and were still close regardless of Jaemin and hers' friendship. They used to be the closest of friends before Jaemin decided they couldn't be anymore. To this day, she still doesn't know why they're not friends anymore, she finds herself thinking about him. She would only think about him late at night, a time where they would always be so close and bonded. She could never truly get over their friendship and Jaemin in general, he was an important part of her life, for years, she couldn't just let that go. She had gotten over the heartbreak of their friendship but from time to time, she would miss him. Especially whenever she saw her mom and his mom hanging out at her family's home. His mom reminded her of him, their smiles and laughs were identical. If she closed her eyes, she swore her and Jaemin were in the same room, laughing together. Sadly, she kept her eyes open.

"Bitch! Hey! I'm right here!" She heard her friend yell into her ear, Celina, who then tackled (name) into a back hug. "You know Jaemin?"

"Not really." (Name) shrugged and allowed Celina to keep hugging her. "Where were you? I couldn't find you for an hour." (Name) turned her head to look at Celina, their noses almost touching.

"Eh, I was with Johnny, you know, same old, same old." Celina pouted and nudged her nose against (Name)'s. "Still an ass, by the way, but he's got a great ass too. Curse him."

(Name) laughed for the first time that night.

Johnny and Celina were also complicated, yet they didn't mind it, apparently. They were on-and-off, they liked to fuck around with each other and get attached. However, that period didn't last long, they would always end up ignoring each other for a few weeks before fucking again. Somehow, they still had an affectionate and caring friendship, something (Name) wished for sometimes. She would look at the pair, an attractive pair and think to herself.

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