2- Oh, you again?

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Two weeks had passed since she last saw Jaemin. Thankfully, Celina didn't drag her along to another one of Johnny's parties so (Name) didn't really have to worry about bumping into that certain someone. However, what that night did to her brain, was even more worse than she had ever anticipated.

She just couldn't stop thinking about him and his face. Even her dreams kept rewinding that moment they had in the Celina's car and she couldn't bear it anymore. Jaemin was even ruining sleep for her and sleeping was one of her most treasured activities to do.

Jaemin this and Jaemin that, she couldn't take it anymore, she either had to go up to him and say what she felt years ago or let herself suffer for a few more weeks until something or someone else occupied her mind. Even school couldn't distract her from that man. Nothing seemed to be working, no video game or book could ease her brain.

That was until she got a phone call from a certain guy.

"Hey, (Name), you busy?" Jaehyun's deep voice filled her ears as she stopped typing her essay. "I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something?"

Jaehyun wanted to hang out with her? Of all people he could've chosen, he wanted to see her? What was going on these past few weeks was surprising (Name) to the max. Was the universe trying to derail her or something? Jaehyun could see and hang out with anybody at their university, people would throw themselves at him at any chance they got, so why would he pick (Name) out of everyone?

"Uh, um, sure. I just need to finish typing my essay, you'll have to wait for about, ten to fifteen minutes. If that's okay with you?" She couldn't help herself from blushing. It's not like she had a crush on him anymore but the thought of hanging out with someone that wasn't Celina or her regular friend group was getting her nerves racing.

"That's more than okay with me, I'll pick you from your dorm, you're still in the same dorm room right?" Jaehyun questioned with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I am, I'll see you in a few minutes." She bit the fuck out her lip as she quickly ended the phone call.

Taking a huge breath in and out of her body, she began to typing the conclusion of her work. How she managed to do so without having a nervous breakdown due to the fact Jaehyun was coming was beyond her. It was all types of emotions she was feeling; nervous, excited, scared, etc,. He always made her feel this way even though she knew she didn't have a crush on him. It was the existence of him that made her nervous. They were complete opposites, he was one of the most popular people at their school and she barely knew anyone out of her circle apart from Celina introducing her to people, she kept to herself and she liked it that way. Jaehyun was the embodiment of someone people admired and looked up to and well, she was just herself, not anything special (at least that's what she thought).

As ten minutes passed, she sighed out of relief as she finished up her essay. Quickly revising and rereading before a loud knock snapped her out of her focus. She knew it was Jaehyun but she couldn't help but feel even more nervous at the fact that they were actually going to see each other without anyone else in the room. She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, she was still wearing her outside clothes so she didn't feel the need to change.

She hastily opened the door and there he stood. Jaehyun was wearing a black hoodie with sweatpants, even in that attire, he made it look so fashionable. He stood there with a wide grin on his face, his face looked flawless as usual as he swept his bangs with his long fingers. She noticed he was wearing a bunch of silver rings, an accessory he always wore.

"Hey, I'm sorry to ask to see you last minute but I've been meaning to ask you something. I thought it would be better to ask you face-to-face." Jaehyun looked down at her as he put his forearm against the doorframe.

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