Chapter 5: Assemble JenChuLiCheng

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"For your first assessment, four of you in a group would have to do something for the public using your powers. The group would then do a report on what the team has done and how the four members have worked together. Simple right?" The lecturer informed the class.

The class, however, didn't have the same smile on their faces, instead, all that could be heard was noise coming from the corridors.

The lecturer continued to share in his own excitement,

"You all have one week to do so and submission will be during the next class."

The class ended once the lecturer was done with the assessment brief, everyone made their way out of the room other than Lisa who was stoned on her seat. After everything that had happened between her, Jisoo and Jennie, Lisa was sure she wasn't in their good books. Lisa isn't one to hold a grudge but she couldn't be sure for the other two, after all, she was the one who issued the fight and eventually put Jennie's life in danger.

"Hey, would you like to join us for lunch?" A voice called out to Lisa breaking her from her train of thoughts.

Lisa looked up to see Jennie anticipating her respond together with Jisoo and Chaeyoung standing not too far behind the latter. Behind Lisa's expressionless face was a mind filled with curiosity and confusion, Jennie's tone and facial expression were sincere and welcoming, something that Lisa didn't expect.

"Err yeah sure...." Lisa hesitantly replied not wanting to keep the trio waiting.

Lisa definitely wasn't keen on this unexpected lunch invite and still had doubts in her mind that this may be some sort of plan by Jisoo or Jennie to get back at her. Lisa had her guards up but she decided to go ahead with the lunch in light of the project that they had to work on for the week.

It was the usual scene at the cafeteria, aromatic smell of freshly prepared food and jam-packed with superhumans enjoying their meals and chatter with their friends. Shouts and laughter could be heard from almost every table, other than one that was being occupied by 4 ladies who were just put together as a project group. It had only been a minute into their meal and Lisa could already sense how awkward this meal was going to be for her. Chaeyoung who knew nothing of what happened before casually started a conversation after gulping down her first mouthful of noodles.

"Do you like to eat Thai food?" Chaeyoung asked who saw Lisa eating a plate of Tom Yum Noodles.

Lisa had not met Chaeyoung before but she was feeling least uncomfortable with her as compared to the two occupying the same roundtable as her at this very moment.

"Yes, I'm from Thailand actually." Lisa answered Chaeyoung with a mini smile.

"Oh, you are?? I'm from Australia!! And I'm Chaeyoung by the way, I just transferred in recently." Chaeyoung declared feeling all excited and happy to have met someone who was also from another country.

Lisa noticed that Chaeyoung had a bubbly and cheerful personality and this undoubtedly helped her felt much more relaxed and less jittery in her seat.

"Now that explains why the both you speak with an interesting accent." Jennie said in realization.

"You mean you didn't know Lisa was from Thailand unnie? I thought you and her were close friends." Chaeyoung questioned like a lost child in a supermarket.

"Nope we weren't, in fact I don't really know much about Lisa, but I'm pretty sure we can get to know one another better through this assessment right Lisa?" Jennie cooly answered Chaeyoung, ending it with a wink and a smile towards Lisa.

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