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(AN: has nothing to do with the story but here, have sad harry potter art, also I didn't draw this so credit to the artist.)

(3rd person p.o.v)

Lucas, a sweet little boy with bright eyes that loved teddy bears and trains, a little boy that was so sick he couldn't go outside or play too much with his siblings. Lucas loved his brothers and sisters, but the doctor said that he was too weak physically to so called 'mess around', so he could never spend much time with them. His brothers would alway play trains with him when they were allowed to, they kinda liked trains as well. Their names were Johnathan, Wesley, and Micha.

Lucas' sisters would alway play teddy bears with him, so he liked them, better than most brothers would. Their names were Allison, Sarha, Lilly, and Maisy.

He loved his siblings but they could never stay with him for long periods of time, as Lucas had an autoimmune disorder that made him flare up with pneumonia randomly. So you could say that the times Lucas was aloud outside were his most cherished moments, but the times he loved most was when he was aloud outside of the manor.

That very rarely happened. One time on a trip outside of the manor, Lucas and his mother were doing some shopping, it was going fairly boringly, but this trip would have to be Lucas' favorite. This specific trip was the first and only time Lucas got to try candy, he wasn't sure what kind of candy it was, but he found it rather good so it was ok. The street vendor was a nice old woman that reminded Lucas of his grandmother, her name was Cassiopeia, she died when Lucas was five.

When Lucas got home that day his father had said he need to talk to Lucas' mother alone, and that Lucas should go lie down.

(Lucas' mother's pov)

"What is it Harold, did the doctor say anything." I asked desperately. "Elaine my love, the doctor...had good and bad news...Lucas will make it past adolescence, but h-his lungs will give out if he doesnt go through this new surgery. " he finished carefully, I could not believe what I was hearing. My
baby boy would make it to at least his adult years.

"Sur-SURGERY, he's only seven Harold how would he survive being cut open, poked and prodded. I want our baby boy to survive just as much as you do but I won't allow it, not unless we know the bases of this sugery." I declared in a defeated tone.

I was just so tired of seeing my baby have to go through blood transfusions, take a multitude of pills, and suffer through isolation. "I'll call the doctor and ask him to meet us, if we do this we need to tell Lucas. We need to tell him of the dangers and walk him through what could happen." Harold said to me. "Ok, we can do that and it will depend on whether or not he wants to do it."

Lucas' pov
After father told me to go lie down I ran into Beatrice, us kid's nanny. She had black hair and green eyes, she was in her mid fifties but was still an energetic woman. I guess you have to be when you've taken care of eight children, including one that's been sickly since birth. "Hello Lucas, how are you" she said as she notices me, "I am doing just fine Beatrice, mother took me out to the market today, and I got to try a peice of candy." Beatrice smiled at me warmly and replied with "well aren't you a lucky little boy. Now how about we get you bathed and put to bed." I nodded up at her and took her hand, she led me to the  bathroom and got the soap I liked out. "I got Cecil to fill up the bath some water when Richard announced your return, so it should still be nice and hot." Richard and Cecil are the head maid and head Butler respectively. They are always busy, so I only really see them during meal time.

Beatrice turned around as I undressed and got into the tub, she then got the soap and cleaned my hair. She then gave me a cloth lathered with soap, she turned around and I cleaned my body. I don't like when people touch my body, sure I let my family hug me, and I hold Beatrice's hand, but I trust them. When I was done I told Beatrice and she got a towel from the closet. "Alright let's get you dry and into some pyjamas" I nodded at her and stood up so she could wrap me in the towel. As I was drying myself, Beatrice left the bathroom and  got my pyjamas from my room, when she returned she turned around again as I got dressed. "Okay you can turn around." Beatrice turned around and said "Let's get you to bed, you have a check up tomorrow, don't give me that look. You may be getting better but you are still very sick. I don't want you to get worse because you didn't go to bed on time."

I looked at her and pouted, in return she gave me a stern look. I sighed and said "fine, I know, I need energy to heal, and I can only do that by sleeping and eating good." Beatrice gave a victorious nod and led me to my room, once we got there she tucked me in for bed. "Goodnight, little prince, may your dreams be filled with delight, and your bed with warmth." She says the same thing every night, but it never fails to make me smile. "And may you, dear, nanny of mine, have equally pleasant dreams and most warmth." I said as she got up, she gave me a smile and then went to check on my brothers and sisters.

Beatrice's pov
As I left Lucas' room to check on the other children, I came across Maisy, Lucas' elder sister. "Maisy what are you doing here." She looked sheepish as she replied "sorry miss Beatrice, but I heard mother and Lucas got back, and I wanted to see him before he went to sleep." Maisy is a year and half older than Lucas, being the seventh child of the Haclain family. "Oh dear girl, I'm so sorry but he just went to sleep, maybe after his checkup tomorrow you can visit." With that Maisy nodded and left albeit disappointed but assured, I checked on the kids and reported to the head maid.

In the living room that night, during our rounds, Cecil and I were talking. "Beatrice, you can't get attached, it's not your job and Lucas may not live. I know you have spent the last seven years living in fear. Fearing you may go to wake him up and find him gone. It is better to be detached than it is to use the children as surrogates." I stared at Cecil, genuinely horrified

"I do not use the children as surrogates. I did lose my children, yes, but I would never think I could be these children's mother. I do care for them, and do worry for Lucas, but they have a loving, kind, and beautiful mother."

"I have spent forty years as a servant of this house, true I started young, but I got to watch Mr. Harold grow up and fall in love. I get to watch as his children grow. I watch as Mrs. Elaine loses her mind worrying when Johnathan or Sarha comes home late. I have helped each time one of the children were born, I do understand it would save me the heart ache if one of them died. I also understand that you have been here for a lesser amount of time than I, but I love these children. Hell if I were to think I was anyone's mother it would be Mr. Harold."

"I was thirteen when he was born, I was tossed out of my home and the previous nanny took me under her wing. She was old and needed a successor, I was young, homeless, and smart. She took me back to this residence, and trained me. When Mr. Harold was born, his mother died, and the nanny fell ill. I was the one that fed him, changed his nappy, helped him through night terrors, and watch as he became a successful and worthy man."

"You, Miss Cecil, do not tell me to not get attached. I have seen how Mrs. Elaine take care of the children, and I couldn't be prouder. She hasn't once let me change a diaper, or bottle feed the children. Yes I do put them to bed, and I do take them into town occasionally, but she does the rest. I do see Mr. Harold as my own, and I've also come to see Mrs. Elaine as my daughter."

Third person pov
As Cecil sat there, the door opened and revealed the Haclain couple, both teary eyed and smiling. Beatrice, glowed a fiery red and said " I'm sorry if I've overstepped my boundaries, but you really were an adorable baby, Mr. Harold." The Couple just rushed towards her and hugged her, Beatrice was put off guard, but slowly hugged back. Cecil used her two sense and got out of there.

(AN: 1,561 words, all were written on my phone. I have lost all feeling in my hands and I do not plan on writing for a while. I know what you may be thinking "oh killer why not just use a laptop", my laptops screen is broken. I will not say why, but it is. I almost just dropped this book because it'll likely go unnoticed, but I had to try I have no idea why but I did try. Anyway random inspiration hit me in the face and this shit spewed out. I tried not being specific on the time period, but it is somewhere before the 1900's. I hope you liked this, luvs you....if ur reading this.

killer signed off 🔪🔪🔪

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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