Chapter 1

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I was asleep, lost in a dream.

I suddenly remembered that Cassie had asked me to go out with her and mya for a few drinks.

I knew that i should have stayed in and studied but I needed a break. I was bored.

I quickly hopped off the couch and ran to my room after reading the time on my clock and seeing that I only had 30 minutes to get ready, which was a tight space of time. I decided to get up and get ready, I couldn't ditch them again.

I rummaged through my closet, desperately needing something to wear. I couldn't wear something too dressy but it couldn't be too casual. I eventually found the perfect outfit. Some black skinny jeans and a white silky top. It was my usual type of outfit. It made me feel confident.

I looked at the time. "Shit." It had took me 15 minutes to find an outfit. That was typical of me.

I scurried around my apartment trying to get ready. I had quite the history in punctuality.

After what felt like a few seconds, I heard a car horn. I grabbed my bag and keys and ran down the stairs. The sneakers that I was wearing were the only things keeping me from falling down the stairs straight onto my face. As I reached the car I grabbed the handle and as I opened the door a strong smell of perfume hit me.

"Jesus, who sprayed a whole bottle of perfume into this car." I chuckled and hopped into the car, I felt exhilarated for some strange reason.

"Well me and mya decided we needed to smell nice, you never know who you can meet on the streets of New York." Cassie joked.

Little did I know that I would meet my friend for life that night.

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