Chapter 2

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As I walked into the bar, it brung flooding flashbacks from sneaking into bars in highschool and having the time of our lives.

I quickly snapped out of it once I heard Mya say,"let's go get drinks!"

I wasn't going to objectify.

We quickly found ourselves sitting at a table ordering drinks. A lot of the drinks Cassie and mya were getting, were things I had never heard of. I just went for my usual white wine. I knew that I wasn't going to drink much because I wanted to have fun but also I didn't want a hangover, so I was careful.

However, mya and Cassie were not and they ended up dropping me off at some random bar and leaving me. As I look back I realised how easy I let it happen. I walked in alone and sat with a wine glass in my hand, I didn't mind being alone but I did enjoy the company, however I found myself in another daydream. Something I would do a lot is daydream I was just lost in thought.

I must have sat for a while in my own world, until I heard a loud chuckle erupt and as I looked over I spotted four guys giggling as one of them had fell off their chair. I couldn't help but laugh. As I looked away, I heard a velvet voice with a very thick English accent call over to me. I turned back to see and I realised it was one of the guys from that group.

"Y'alright luv?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I replied back.

I realised afterwards that this could be some random creepy guy. For some reason I didn't feel like he was some creepy guy. He did look very attractive. He had a quiff with some loose little curly bits of hair on his forehead. He had a leather jacket which was nicely sculpted to his body. He also had some some sunglasses hanging on his t-shirt. The rest of these guys also looked amazing. However, there was just something about this mystery pub guy that made me not worry about a thing in the world.

My Mystery Bar Guy.   | Alex Turner Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now