On a path to something new

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"STEVEN!" Mina yelled in a worried tone, Steven heard it and he ran to her straight away. "What's wrong?" Steven asked "Look" Mina replied, pointing at the TV. "Turn it up" Steven said, sitting next to Mina. Mina turned up the volume on the TV and what they heard was worrying, "Ex-inmate Sheldon Gough was released earlier this week, turns out he was released early and without a judges release. Gough was transported from Juvie to court but his trial was never called. Police are asking anyone with contact with Gough, to visit the station immediately" The new reporter explain over TV. Mina turned the TV off and they both sat there in shock, "So if Sheldon never got released then.." Mina started "How was he at the cafe without anyone noticing" Steven finished.

 Mina and Steven decided it would be best if they did go down to the station and file a report. "Sargent!" Steven yelled walking in "Steven" She replied "You remember Mina" Steven said "Of course! You were the one the got kidnapped" She replied with a chuckle "Yeah" Mina said "Well, what can I do for ya?" She asked "We're here to file a report" Mina said "A report? On what?" The Sargent asked "We have had a sighting and a run-in with Sheldon Gough" Steven replied "Ah, you saw the news" The Sargent replied "We did. And actually, since he has been "out" he already Steven. Left in a come for two weeks" Mina explained "Oh my gosh" The Sargent gasped "Well, we will have an officer escort you to a office right away" The Sargent said. She grabbed one of her officers and they took Mina and Steven upstairs to an interview room. 

After 15 minutes a detective came in with papers and asked them for everything they know, "Where did you first see Sheldon?" The officer asked "At a little cafe down on Sixth and Weston" Mina replied "What's this cafe called?" He asked "Cafe Connections" Steven replied "Okay, and what happened?" "I saw Sheldon first, he was walking around the building and he saw us. In an instant he was coming right for us so I panicked. Steven stood up and Sheldon tried to grab my wrist, but Steven got in his way. From there, they got into a fight. Sheldon won and I rushed over to him one Sheldon left" Mina explained "Then what happened?" The detective asked "I saw that he was barely conscious, then he passed out and I screamed for help. Then 15 maybe 20 people came out and they helped us, then the ambulance came. They took Steven and he was in the hospital for 2 weeks" Mina finished "Do you know what could've triggered him, like why he chose now of all times" The detective asked "It's when Steven was vulnerable" Mina replied "Why's that?" He asked "I just lost my mom. A couple days before the incident at the Cafe" Steven replied "I'm so sorry for your loss. But I see here, you filed a restraining order 2 years go on him, is that correct?" The officer asked "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" Mina asked "Well, depending on his rights against you. He broke your rights to the restraining order. So, is we can fins him, he can put him away for a few years and a few more for defying an order of court" The detective explained "Well, that's great!" Mina replied "Yes it is. But Ms. Robinson, would you happen to have your contract on you?" The detective asked "Uh, no. But I could bring it by tomorrow, or when I have time" Mina replied "That'd be great, just so I can go over the rights you set in place" The detective replied "And one more thing, don you know Sheldon. Personally, that is?" The detective asked "How was a good friend, but last year. He pulled his stunt" Mina replied "Was he the one that faked his death?" The detective asked "Yeah, that's be the one" Steven replied "Okay then. Well is that's all, you both are free to go. And this helps a lot" The detective said. Mina and Steven walked downstairs with the officer/detective, "And remember if you come into any contact, a phone call, text message, physical interaction. You come straight here. The sooner we find him, the better" The officer said as they left. "we will don't worry" Steven replied leaving. Mina and Steven walked it to their car and they felt good, "So what now?" Mina asked 'We watch each other's backs and we live life to the fullest doing it" Steven replied "Yeah seems easy enough" Mina said "For now at least" 

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