Let the war begin

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3 hours later

"Mm" Steven whined waking up "M-Mina" He said opening his eyes to Mina not in bed "MINA!" He yelled jolting up from bed "BABE!" He yelled running around the house, but when he found her he was relieved. Mina was  standing in the backyard leaning over the banister and she seemed upset, "Babe?" Steven asked walking outside "Hm, oh. Steven go back inside" Mina said looking over her shoulder "What's the matter?" He asked "N-Nothing, I just can't sleep" Mina lied "I know your lying, you won't look at me" Steven stated. Mina stood back up and started walking down to the stairs to the yard but Steven  stopped her "Baby, please" Steven said softly, Mina turned around and the look on Mina's face made him even worried "What happened?" Steven asked "Uh- He keeps blowing up my phone, he keeps trying to call em and it's scaring me" Mina started "Wait, who?" Steven asked. Mina couldn't answer that so she just handed him her phone, "See for yourself" Mina fought. Steven opened her phone and saw 20, maybe 30 messages from Sheldon and 8 missed calls from him. He was furious, but what could they do. Steven looked back up at her and she looked like she was gonna break down crying, "Hey" Steven said softly hugging her. Mina cried softly but not enough for Steven to notice, Steven hugged her for a bit but then they went back inside and Steven held Mina until she fell asleep.

The Next Morning

"BABE!" Mina yelled from downstairs "I'm right here babe" Steven said from the kitchen "Oh, I thought you were upstairs. Well, I'm gonna take Zelda for a walk" Mina stated "What about Mochi?" Steven asked "I already walked her yesterday" Mina replied "Oh, well *kisses her* Be careful" Steven advised "I will" Mina said leaving. Mina went for a walk to the park with Zelda and Zelda kept pulling Mina and she was getting yanked. When Mina went to the park and she was running around with Zelda but she went way farther back in the trees then she anticipated. "Come on girl, let's go" Mina called for Zelda, as she was walking backwards she banged into someone "Oh, sorry-" Mina froze. When she turned around she saw Sheldon, and he was out in the middle of the field. Mina back up into a tree still not able to get Zelda to come, "ZELDA, LET'S GO NOW!" Mina yelled. This time Zelda actually came, surprisingly Sheldon didn't do anything he just stalked over her. Mina left in a panic and Sheldon stood there with a smirk on his face

Once Mina got back

Mina ran in the door panting and struggling to catch her breath "Hey, Mina. Hey" Steven panicked kneeling down to face her "What happened?" Steven asked "We-We ran into Sheldon. He just stood there and I was pinned, so some reason he let me go but he just smirked as I left. The second we got on the sidewalk I ran" Mina explained "Oh, hey it;s okay" Steven said hugging her "C-can you get me a water?" Mina asked "Yeah, yeah of course. Hang on" Steven said getting up and going to the kitchen.

1 hour later

*Knock Knock* "COMING!" Steven yelled from inside, he opened the door and saw Seth "Oh, hey. What's up?" Steven greeted "Not much, I was just passing by and thought I would stop and say hi" Seth replied "Do you wanna come in?" Steven asked "Sure" Seth said stepping in "I'll go get Mina, one sec" Steven said heading upstairs. He got upstairs and went to Mina's office "Babe" Steven said after knocking softly "Hey" Mina replied "Seth's here. If you wanna say hi" Steven said "Sure" Mina said getting up. They both went downstairs, and when Mina saw Seth she froze. "HOW COULD YOU LET HIM IN!?" Mina panicked "What are you talking about?" Seth questioned "Mina it's just Seth" Steven reassured "THAT'S NOT SETH, HE IS IN OUR HOUSE STEVEN" Mina yelled "Oh, no" Steven worried "What?" Seth asked "Mina seeing him again" Steven replied "I think she just needs rest, can you come back tomorrow morning?" Steven asked "Yeah of course, bye guys" Seth said leaving. Seth shut the door and all Steven's attention went to Mina "Oh, baby. Come here" Steven said hugging her "I-I'm sorry" Mina cried "Shh, It's okay. It's normal" Steven said hugging her more "What's happening to me" Mina worried "Nothing baby, you just see him because your afraid. We went through a tramatic experience. He kidnapped you, it's normal" Steven supported "Then why does it feel wrong?"

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