Some Relief (part 2)

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Eren woke up calmly, he didn't have any nightmares or visions..just peace. Once he got aware of his surroundings he realized that he was in Floch's arms.

'Floch huh..' Eren thought. He still found it unexpected Floch would even do this for him. He didn't understand but he did appreciate it.

Eren wished he could always do this with the short red head but he had a far bigger wish, no time for all of that... especially now.

While he was lost in his thoughts he felt Floch waking up. The red head yawned still holding onto Eren. He smiled and kissed the top of his head. Eren's face flushed up quickly

"Uh.." was all that could come out of the brunettes mouth at the moment. He wanted to keep quiet but it couldnt be helped.

Floch froze up, 'HE FELT IT?! My god..KILL ME NOW-' he thought. He got up quickly from the bed  "Im..very sorry Eren..I didn't..uh..It won't happen again!!" "'s alright Floch..I didn't mind.." Eren told him honestly. Floch sighed in relief.

"Oh..well.. we should be getting back with the others soon, there probably wondering where we are about now" Floch recommended. Eren nodded,

"Yeah, let's go.." the brunette put his hand on the door knob until a hand was placed onto his shoulder. "Can we do this again? If we have time of course" Floch asked looking at Eren with his golden eyes.

Eren had to think really think about this..he can't just be doing this, it wasn't apart of the plan but it really felt nice.. it took him a bit..but he had decided that he would make an acception.

"Sure, I would like that..but..dont expect this to happen alot.. I do care about you..but this plan- " The brunette was interuppted.  "Don't worry Eren, I understand, I'll support you no matter what! I really do understand the outcome of what im asking."

Eren was surprised "T-thank you Floch.. just know..I will try to make that time for you.."  Floch's heart fluttered. This was really happening.. Eren wanting to make time for him!! He couldn't be happier. 

"We should start going..for real this time! " Floch said grabbing Eren's hand. Eren smiled and opened the door and the two started walking down the hall.

While walking a question popped up "Eren..what am I to you?" Floch asked randomly, Eren was a bit stunned by that question, 'So thats how this question feels..' he thought. 

Eren didn't really like the romantic words or he wasn't sure but he did think about it.

"'re reliable..I can always count on you, you're always by my're very.. special Floch.." He said with his face flushed red.

Floch was so much more to Eren, he just couldn't find alot of words to say to him. "Thank you Eren.. you're special to me too" Floch said looking away smiling at how cute his leader was.

Since Eren couldn't find all the words to tell, he decided to show him. The brunette put his hand on the red heads cheek and kissed him. It was a short but it seemed to be super effective on the shorter red head.

Floch felt like he was going to pass out, he couldn't stop smiling. Eren smiled seeing his special someone like this.

"Come on, lets go already, the others are waiting for us.." Eren said holding his hand out for Floch. The red head gladly took it and they finally started heading to the other Yeagerist.

'I have to tell Historia about this-' Eren thought, why wouldn't he? They are close friends after all!

Fleren is fun af to write and I needed to write this.. especially after the newest chapter... if you read it.. DON'T SPOIL IT- THATS NOT FAIR TO THE PEEPS WHO HAVEN'T READ YET!! (Especially anime onlys!!!) Why tf did I choose to write some Fleren?? Idk but I like it 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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