Strawberries and cream

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Chirping of birds could be heard in the distance announcing the arrival of morning, the start of a new day. The newly risen sun was trying to peep in through the slightly parted curtains of the bedroom window.

The sunrays hitting the black haired boy's face were disturbing his peaceful slumber making him scrunch his nose. His succulent lips were parted letting out a thin stream of saliva that dripped down to the soft pillow beneath his head.

He whined softly in disapproval of the light falling on his face and lifted his arm to cover his eyes, trying to get some more sleep. He was just about to drift off again when the soft pillow he was laying on moved making him irritated.

What a useless pillow! Can't it see I'm trying to sleep!

The sleepy boy was about to hit his pillow as punishment for waking him up when it registered into his brain that pillows don't move.

What the fuck?!

Jungkook lifted his head so quickly he almost got whiplash. The saliva dripping from his mouth slid down to his chin making jungkook feel disgusted at his own indecent sleeping self. He came out of his thoughts when his pillow- no it was definitely a person, moved again. Or maybe it was just a stray dog Jungkook had found cute and brought home yesterday (dogs are cute don't blame him).

Yes, that could be a more probable possiblity than having someone at his house- at his house where not even his friends came. He always met them at cafes, restaurants ot at their house.

Wow it has such soft fur-

Jungkook thought while he craned his head to see what kind of dog he had brought home and maybe pet it too, when his eyes fell on the person that he had apparently turned into his own personal pillow.

It was Kim Taehyung. THE Kim Taehyung. Jungkook's one and only crush.

Or more like the person he lowkey bullied to get his attention because jungkook was too chicken to ask him out directly. It wasn't his fault though, the boy was just too damn beautiful that it made jungkook tongue tied whenever he came in front of him. So the only choice he had to make taehyung notice him was to sneer at him and bump into his shoulders when he walked past the other boy.

Even now, in such a state when most people looked their worst, taehyung still looked so cute with small puffs of breath leaving his bow shaped lips and nose twitching in sleep. The sunlight falling on his face was making him look like an angel that had descended down to earth.

Jungkook felt blessed at having witnessed such a serene sight first thing in the morning. He was sure his day would be great ahead. But the angel was stirring quite a lot, his eyes moving beneath his shut eyelids making his feather like eyelashes flutter against his milky round cheeks.

Ah it's the sun probably.

Jungkook was about to get up to close the curtains properly to stop the sunrays from entering the room because he didn't want Taehyung's beauty sleep to get disturbed and not because he wanted to stare some more at his crush's heavenly face, nope absolutely not. But he stopped suddenly when a question arose in his head.

Wait- what is HE doing HERE?!

"What the fuck!"

Jungkook said out loud making taehyung open his eyes abruptly. Startled out of his mind, taehyung immediately lifted his head off the pillow to find out the source of the voice.


Taehyung exclaimed back as loudly as the other. The two just stared at each other intensely for a good two minutes, seemingly lost in a daze before they snapped out of it and registered the condition they were in.

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