Newt ~cramps

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You POV:
You woke up with a massive wave of pains and cramps attacking you all at once. It was you week to run into the maze, but Mother Nature had decided to come for her monthly visit and so far, it's not going too well for you.
Once the pain has calmed down, you leaned over and had a look on your clock beside your bed. It was a little over 8:30, so you kind of slept in but seen as how this morning has been, you deserved that extra 30mins.
When your friend Chuck came to visit you, he asked.
"Hey y/n, are you ok, do you need anything?" He asked, trying to help to figure out what was the matter.
"Oh hey Chuck, umm.. yes I'm good." You said while trying not to be in too much pain.
"Y/n,... is it your..." he said and didn't want to continue.
"Ha yes Chuck, it's my time of month. Can you please tell everyone that I might not be out today please."
"Um.. yes sure if you need me ill be in my usual spot." And with that he left.
After Chuck left, you spent about an hour twisting and turning underneath your blanket and hopefully the pain would go away soon, but it didn't, it just got worse.
However, newt came and snuck in to your little hut. He came too see what was up with you and why Chuck said that you wouldn't be out today.
He carefully sat down on the side of the hammock, and shook you softly.
"Hey love, y/n."
After you hear him say that, you slowly rolled over and opened your eyes, looking up at newt.
"Hi newt." Was all you could manage to say back, until another cramp hit you hard.
Newt response was to this, to relax you he started to stroke your hair softly.
"Love, what's wrong, why aren't you running with the others?"
You turned back over and curled up into a ball.
"I'm fine, I promise."
You groaned again.
"Just go back to work, I'll be fine."
With that he took off his shoes and softly moved you over and laid right beside you.
"Y/n, love just let me help, I wanna take care of you, I love you." He placed a soft kiss on the back of your neck.
You huffed back at him.
He sighed.
"Why are you being so stubborn again..."
Then a big amount of pain hit you, you just moaned at it.
"Ok I know I am. Leave me alone."
Newt crossed his arms around you and said back.
"No love I'm staying." In the most sweetest voice.
You then huffed once more and rolled over on you back so you where facing the ceiling.
Then after a few minutes you finally said.
"Newt I'm on my period."
Newts eyes widened and his face turned a light shade of pink.
"Oh love! Uh-I..ermm..."
You just burst out giggling only then to be cut off due to the pain in your lower stomach.
"Erm, oh well, what do I do?"
When he said that you just looked at him.
"I really really want some cookies and an apple, can you please go and see if we have any."
"Sure love."
With that he unwrapped his arms from around you and got his shoes back on and was about to walk out the door until.
You sat up slightly.
"No, you don't have too. Really. You have work to do and I don't want to distract you from doing it."
Newt stopped and turned back around so that he was facing you.
"Love, your not distracting me from anything. And the only person who will be looking after you today is me."
He pointed two thumbs up to himself and said.
"No one else, just me." And with that he went.
He came back about 25 minutes later with your cookies and apples on a nice silver plate. But seen as you could smell them from a few feet away from your hut, you quickly sat up but not too much and you waited for newt to some back into your hut.
Newt walked in and he beamed at you, and holding out a plate with the things you wanted.
"Look at these what fry made, they look sooo good."
You smiled at him despite all the pain your in you moved your self over to make room for newt so he can sit down. He sat beside you and gently placed the plate in the middle of you both. You laid back and started to eat your cookie.
"Mmm!" You let out.
"Talk about a foodgasm."
Newt looked at you funny and you just bursted out laughing.
But you pretended you didn't see it.
"God I love chocolate so damn much."
He started laughing too and you just looked at him sadly.
"Newt, stop laughing at me please..." you gently muttered.
He stopped laughing immediately and looked at you with sorry eyes.
"Aww baby, I wasn't actually laughing at you." He said calmly.
You still nibbled on your cookie while still looking sad.
He gave out a slight chuckle and pressed a kiss on your forehead, while rubbing your back softly.
You looked up at him with sad eyes still and smiled weakly at him, you Finnish of what's on your plate, kind off with newts help and placing the plate onto the floor.
"Can you cuddle with me?" You said with the puppy dog eyes.
"Sure love."
Newt got under you cover and he gently pulled you to lay on top of him, pulling you into him so you felt safe.
"Does it hurt?" He asked while whispering it into your ear.
You nodded and he pulled you even closer rubbing circles on your back to relief some of the pain.
After a while you managed to relax and your eyes started to fall shut and the pain slowly fading away.
Newt pushed your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead and the top of your head, this made your breathing slow down and relax even more.
After about 10 minutes, you finally fell asleep with non-existing cramps, as much. Newt loved thee fact that he was able to help you in any way possible when it can come to you relaxing and falling asleep, he carefully leaned around to see if you where asleep before returning to his original position and falling asleep himself.
"I love you y/n." Was all he said before he fell fully asleep with you in his arms.

I tried something knew kinda, let me know if you like this type better or not it would be appreciated.

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