Beat (Dragon Ball Heroes)

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Name: Beat

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Name: Beat

Gender: Male

Race: Saiyan/Earthling Hybrid

Age: Probably between 12 and 16

Occupation: Dragon Ball Heroes/Super Dragon Ball Heroes Player, Deputized Time Patroller, Superhero

Allegiance: Dragon Ball Heroes (Time Patrol), Z-Fighters/Universe 7


- In his first-ever appearance, Beat is no match for Perfect and gets overpowered by the Bio-Android. However, he is shown to have no trouble handling Frieza's soldiers in his base form.

- Upon first transforming into a Super Saiyan, Beat is outclassed by Broly. Later, however, he is able to take on the Baby infected Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Videl, defeating them on his own. He was also able to overpower Dodoria and Zarbon, being unphased by a direct punch from the former.

- In his Super Saiyan 2 state, Beat proves strong enough to break free from Black Smoke Shenron's shadow tendrils. After using the Super Class upgrade Beat proves powerful enough to defeat (under the possession of Oceanus Shenron).

- As a Super Saiyan 3, Beat appears to be around the level of after absorbing . However, even as a Super Saiyan 3, he is absolutely no match for Super Saiyan 4 Broly.

- In World Mission, Beat shows natural talent as a SDBH player despite being a newbie and is noted by Great Saiyaman 3 to be a quick learner. Additionally unlike most residents of Hero Town, Beat is one of the few Earthlings capable of ki manipulation in the real world though he does so subconsciously as demonstrated when he uses ki to cancels a while guarding. However despite this, he is not powerful enough to use ki to fight offensively in the real world forcing Great Saiyaman 3 to protect him from Cooler's punch. As he uses ki subconsciously, Beat is confused by said ability and has no idea how he did it, indicating he has no practical understanding of ki manipulation as he uses it instinctively.

- However in the game world, Beat is shown to be stronger than Note and due to his adrenaline rush being unaffected by exhaustion and fatigue from fighting in the game world (his ability to utilize ki in the real world likely makes it easier for him to acclimate himself to fighting within the game world physically more easily than Note who despite being an experienced SDBH player is unaccustomed to physically fighting in the game world). Alongside Note, Beat is strong enough to take on Raditz, Turles, Nappa, and Vegeta in their base forms as well as being able to defeat Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, Super Saiyan 3 Raditz, and Super Saiyan 3 Nappa. However during "Hero Town in Danger! like Note, Beat is unable to fight outside the game world (outside of playing against other SDBH players) and thus is forced to sit out the battle against the . However after they flee back into the game world, Beat and Note are able to defeat Hoi, Post-Transformation Hirudegarn, as well as a Villainous Mode empowered Dabura, Pui Pui, Spopovich, and Yami with the assistance of the legendary heroes, Tapion and Minotia. However the Organization of Babidi's second attack on Hero Town causes Beat to ask Great Saiyaman 3 if their is any way he and his teammates can fight in the real world, causing Great Saiyaman 3 to reveal that Leggings and Anne have been working on a new feature for the Hero Switch that taps into the user's latent power to grant them access to game world abilities by taking on the form of the their Hero Avatar in the real world. Thanks to the new feature, Beat can transform into his Hero Avatar in the real world allowing him to fight. Additionally Leggings reveals that the Hero Switch has a built-in feature that allows him to materialize his own high-tech Great Saiyaman Suit which he can utilize as an alternate Hero Avatar though it alters some of his stats & abilities and he can only custom it through Custom Deck Accessories. After becoming Great Saiyaman 4, Beat is able to defeat Villainous Mode Dabura with assistance from his teammates. Furthermore they are able to defeat the brainwashed Majin Hero user Kabra, forcing Babidi to reveal himself and unleash Kid Buu from the Sealed Ball, though Beat and his teammates are able to completely obliterate the Ultimate Majin and Great Saiyaman 4 kills Babidi with a Ki Blast, freeing Kabra. Alternatively, Babidi ends up summoning , , and who are able to hold their own against the DBH Team due to Super Neko Majin Z, Neko Majin Mike, and Neko Majin Mix's combined strength, forcing the DBH Team to have to trick Z into forcing Babidi to join the fight allowing Great Saiyaman 3 to kill the wizard freeing Kabra which causes the Neko Majin to realize the DBH Team are the good guys.

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