Chapter 5: Identity reveal?

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Somewhere in Musutafu..



Thud! The sound of someone slamming their hands on the table can be heard followed by a,

"What do you mean there wasn't a match?!" 

"Calm down, Aizawa-san. I'll repeat, there was, simply put, no match at all."

"That doesn't explain anything! There were fingerprints on the knife, no doubt about it!"

"Indeed there were, the identity of Yorokobi should be in our hands right about now if it were as simple as that. It seems to me that we have underestimated the vigilante..greatly." A certain detective states while sitting up in his chair more.

Aizawa sighs and sits back down, "So? What do we do now? How in the world are we supposed to catch a vigilante, possible child, who apparently has the smarts to create fake fingerprints and a knife strong enough to cut through one of the most complicated pieces of fabric to ever exist without a pro noticing? I don't even understand how his real fingerprints didn't get on the knife."

"We mustn't give up just because he's more skilled than we originally suspected. But I hadn't expected you to get so worked up on the matter, Aizawa-san."

"I apologize. I just hoped we would finally have a lead on him taking into consideration that we might have been dealing with a kid all this time. It's embarrassing how we have little to no information about him and how he manages to slip past every hero."

Tsukauchi chuckles, "I didn't expect him to plan so far ahead. So we now know three things about Kobi. He's skilled in hand-to-hand combat, may be a Nezu-level genius, and seems to always try and entertain the civilians nearby by pulling pranks on us. It's no wonder he's gained a reputation for himself amongst the public."

"That's the thing, Tsukauchi. He has so much potential and can easily become a daylight hero. People would love him. I can only imagine why he decided to go vigilante instead."

"He certainly could with that heroic soul of his, which is all the more reason to catch him so we can stop guessing and actually get answers."

"Right, we were discussing our next move? Well..he's too clever to fall for any of our tricks, especially from what you explained happened last night."

"Exactly. So what do you suggest we do next, Aizawa-san?"

"..I think it's time we ask him for assistance."

Cliffhanger! Sorry lol
The next chapter will probably be longer.
Can you guess who's him?
Ahh..I've probably made it too obvious-
sucks to suck

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now