Chapter 18: The future

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"Bunnyx, now!"

Bunnyx snatched the watch and broke it.

Ladybug captured the Akuma and restored things to how they were.

"Pound it!"

Alya ran over to them, "Ladybug, Chat Noir, you've been fighting these villains for the last three years now. Do you think you're any closer to defeating Hawk Moth?" She was recording for the third year anniversary of the Ladyblog.

"We're doing everything we can and are closed than ever to finding out who he is." Chat said.

"And with our third addition to the team, Bunnyx. We're stronger than ever." Ladybug said.

Bunnyx hated all the attention so she quickly jumped through her burrow after the Akuma was captured.

Dozens of people rushed around them, trying to ask questions.

"We'd love to talk but, we need to get going." Ladybug said.

She and Chat flew away.

"Spots off."

"Claws in."

Marinette ran to her room to check on the miracle box.

She had been the guardian for a few years now, it was really stressful at first but, with Adrien by her side, things were better.

By this time they were nineteen and Adrien's 20th birthday was a few weeks away.

They've been living together for almost a year in an apartment next to the Eiffel Tower since they graduated high school.

"Milady?!" Adrien yelled.

"What?!" She yelled back.

"What should we do for dinner?"

She walked to the living room and sat next to Adrien on the couch, "I'm not sure. What are you thinking?" She asked.

"Maybe we can stop by the bakery?" Plagg suggested.

Tikki sighed, "You say this every day."

"It would be nice. We've barely had Tom's pastries since we've moved in together." Plagg complained.

"I don't care what we're doing, as long as I'm not cooking," Mari said.

Adrien smiled and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the kitchen.

He set Marinette down on the counter and poured them each a glass of wine.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Well, after a long fight, Milady is tired. So I am making your favorite pasta," He paused and pecked her lips, "And keeping the glass full of her favorite wine."

Mari smiled.

Marinette's pov/thoughts:

Even after all of these years with Adrien, I still smile every time he kisses me, and my heart flutters when he tells me loves me.

I love Adrien and the last year living with him has been the best. We've laughed, we've fought on each other's side and I couldn't ever ask for more in life.

"See, Purrincess, I can be a gentleman."

When he said that, I got a flashback from all those years ago when Chat Noir asked me out. Before he knew I was Ladybug before I knew he was Adrien.

"Please tell me that we're able to eat it, too!" Tikki whined.

"Of course. I'm making enough for everyone. And don't worry, Plagg, soon we'll stop by to see Mari's parents and get you guys some pastries." Adrien assured them.

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