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"Aw, is the quirkless baby gonna cry?" A girl asked while grabbing a fistful of your hair

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"Aw, is the quirkless baby gonna cry?" A girl asked while grabbing a fistful of your hair. You teared up at all the names they were shouting in your face. "There's no way someone like you can ever be a hero."

"Give up and go die in a hole somewhere!" A boy added, pushing you down on the dirt. The hot tears finally fell from your eyes and streamed down your cheeks. You felt the snot threatening to spill from your nose.

"Look, you made her cry, Hatori!" One of the kids shouted.

"Wow, she really is a quirkless baby!" These bullies always picked on you, but you've never seemed to care before. What was different now? Maybe it was the recent check-up you had. I know the doctor and my parents are lying to me. Maybe these kids are right. I should give up on my dream.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Suddenly, you heard a voice yell, pulling you out of your pessimistic thoughts. Your eyes shot up to see a blue haired boy with glasses running over to you and the crowd of kids.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, four eyes?" A boy spat, pushing him. The rest of the kids formed a circle around the strange kid, ready to attack him as well. As one of the boys raised his fist, the boy crouched, sticking one of his legs out and spinning in a 360 motion, almost like a figure skater. All of the bullies fell to the ground, groaning from the pain.

You took this as an opportunity to get as far away as possible from the crowd. You got up and ran away until you were able to hide behind a tree. You felt a bit guilty for leaving the heroic kid alone to deal with your fight. Can I really call it a fight when I didn't do anything? You thought to yourself, wiping your eyes and nose profusely. You peered out from the side of the tree to see that the boy was still there with the group of bullies, you sighed and dozed off a bit.

After telling the kids' parents of what they were doing, the boy felt satisfied with the deed he'd done. Though, one thing was missing, the girl. He was curious to where she had run off to, so he looked everywhere he could. "I hope she's okay right now."

"Please don't hurt- oh. It's you." You had awoken from light slumber to the feeling of someone shaking you. The boy that defended you earlier had his hands on your shoulders. You looked at the blue haired boy, feeling slightly embarrassed at how close he was to you. Your eyes met his, noticing the visible concern on his face.

"Are you okay? I was looking for you and thought you had fainted from an injury." He spoke softly enough to ease your nerves. He stood up, offering his hand to help you up as well.

"I'm.. I'm okay." You stuttered a bit, feeling nervous to hold someone's hand, especially one of a cute boy. What am I thinking?! "I'm sorry for leaving you alone with those kids. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." You took his hand and dusted yourself off a bit before looking into his eyes again.

"Don't worry, I told their parents about what they did and they will be punished." He gave you a small, warm smile. You felt a wave of heat fill your face and sheepishly smiled back. "My name is Tenya Iida. I'm sorry that we met like this." He bowed in front of you and you giggled a bit at his gesture.

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