"You're here..."

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Beep beep beep beep-

Dream rolled over a tired grumble coming from him, the alarm blasting in his ears. Spite the noise coming from a small phone speaker about three feet away

His hand slapped on the wooden top of his night stand, searching for the source of the horrid sound. His eyes still glued shut from his deep sleep. Finally after what felt like forever to dream he got his phone and turned off the alarm for him to get up. More tired noises such as growls came from him as he sat up wiping his eyes and forcing them open

He didn't lay down long, seeing his alarm went off at 6:45am and he liked to be at school around 7:10am. Plus needing to take a shower. Normally when he didn't get enough sleep or simply didn't want to go to school he wouldn't. Who was going to stop him? He lived alone for the most part. His dad only coming back after he was done working.

Due to his father being a semi-truck driver, he would be gone from a few days to a few weeks. Then coming home for a bit, enough to catch up with his son and relax before having to leave again. Dream didn't mind this really, his father was a good man..a good father. Just with a high maintenance job. Also due to that job he got paid quite a lot. Nothing major, but if dream needed he could ask his father for 100 dollars and he wouldn't bat an eye or worry about their bank.

So he had a good home life, always food in the fridge, power, water, and everything...it was just lonely. It was always so quiet. Even if he was blasting music like he always did, if just felt empty.

About 40 minutes, dream had gotten out of the shower and dressed. Wearing noting out of his normal. A white tee shirt, a neon green hoodie he knew for a fact he wouldn't be taking off for that whole day, a pair of dark blue jeans, and finally topping it off a pair of low rise dark green converse. Before heading out he grabbed his backpack phone, and car keys.

The time was 7:06, as he started his car letting the engine warm up a bit, then heading out down the road to nicks neighborhood. Dream slowly rolled up to the curb of nicks house, Nick already being outside, his black hair fluffy and messy, a white hair band (idfk what it's called) tied under his hair line and around his head. Him also wearing a normal fit for him. A white shirt with a flame printed in the middle, over a black hoodie, black ripped jeans and finally a pair of black Adidas.

When dream pulled up the boys head looked up from his phone, an instant smile growing on his cheeks as dream pulled up. His hand raising to pull out a ear bud from his ear.

"Dream you're late!"

Sapnap yelled as he opened the car door getting in with a huge happy smile on his face, obviously joking. His eyes meeting dreams. Dream scoffed and rolled his eyes in response, a smile quickly growing on his face

"Shut up, if you were in my shoes we wouldn't get to school till noon-"

He exclaimed as he returned to driving, cursing down the road, the sun rising. Filling the pale blue sky with the bright yellows and oranges from the sun.

Sapnap let out a small laugh, his gaze returning back to his phone. The smile still staying strong on his face, as he typed out a message. Dream couldn't read it but could tell nick was texting tbt the fast movements of his thumbs

"Texting your crushy wushie?"

Dream teased, using a babyish tone, looking away from the road to nick with a cocky smile. Sapnap immediately looked up at dream with a playful glare on his face

"Shut the fuck up dream-"

He replied with making dream laugh looking back at the road in front of them. Nick scoffing even louder looking back at the road turning off his phone

"Dose she go to the school?"

Dream asked softly, seeing nick didn't refuse or deni dreams claim about sapnap texting his crush.

"...he...and yes he dose.."

Sapnap replied, in a quieter tone his eyes wondering to outside his window, as if it was something to be embarrassed about. Dreams response was a simple smile, him caring less what nick was into. He, she, they, as long as they treated his friend good he didn't care.

"And he's real?"

Dream teased making the serious situation into a softer more playful one. Nick smiled in response looking over at dream

"What are you? My dad?!"

Sapnap said, his tone returning to playful and sarcastic tone


Dream replied with giving sapnap a wink

"Don't make it weird man!"

Nick yelled out shoving dreams shoulder softly both of them laughing in response

Soon they pulled into the parking lot of the school, a few scattered in the parking spaces. Dream pulled into his normal spot sighing before him and sapnap stepped out, closing the doors behind them and walking to the school.

It was about 7:15Am at this point. Only a few kids in the main hall and cafeteria mixed in with staff members who were starting to get ready for their day. It was a normal morning, dream and sapnap were talking next to their lockers like they did every morning up until sapnap paused looking at something behind dream, confusion filling sapnaps face


Sapnap said under his breath, dream only having enough time to turn around before sapnap yelled


Nick yelled. a person, in a blue hoodie black jeans and high top converse turned around. His hair was brown, his skin fair and porcelain like, though his eyes were covered with big white sunglasses dream recognized him instantly. George.

The boy quickly walked over to sapnap with a huge smile

"Nick?! Nick is that actually you?!"

He said with a smile opening his arms for a hug, which sapnap took instantly

"God man it's been forever..finally decide to leave your hibernation?"

Sapnap teased, the excitement so present in his voice. George smiled and shrugged then turned to dream, his expression shocked. It almost felt unreal, his words locked up in his chest. George patched his lips to say something to dream but dream interrupted

"You're here..."

Hope you enjoy lmao had a lot of fun writing this

Words: 1112

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