Chapter 6

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What the fuck?! I was the one who was hallucinating right now. I can't believe it...!

If they don't find this damn person who put me here and the reason he did, will I have to spend the rest of my life here?! It's a prison, a living hell!

I want to run away, I want to leave! But I can't... Where would I go? Where would I stay and live? I don't want to stay here! I have to escape in any possible way.

After a few hours, Mindy invited herself into my room.
I was lying on my bed, hugging my pillow tight.

"Hey, what happened in there? Why are you so sad? You really look like a little kid whose candies were stolen..." she said chuckling, closing the door behind her.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Mindy." I snapped, turning around so that she couldn't see me crying.

"You never are anyway... Just tell me what happened with the principal, already, I don't bite." She sat beside me and put a hand on my left shoulder.

"Even he doesn't know why I am here! I just appeared like that, without any valuable reason, with a damn paper next to me saying that someone should take care of me, and, I'll have to stay here until they find out how I got in here, and how I should get out. What a freaking nightmare! I wish I could die in this very moment" I said, my voice breaking at the end.

It was true. I wished I could die. I won't have to stay here. I won't have to face everyone when they'll all know I'm not drugged. I won't have to face him or her or whoever put me here. No, I won't.

"Listen, that's not a big deal, it's gonna be alright. You'll make friends, we're not that crazy, you know. And don't worry, they'll find your parents and you're going to be safe, okay? Now come on, smile and don't even think once again about killing yourself!" she said, pulling me into a hug.

How can a drugged and depressed person be so nice and cheery?!

"Thank you." I whispered.

During the following days, she was the one taking me under her caring arms, and we became best friends. Whenever I was with her, I'd always forget that she was a drug dealer, she was so nice, so trustworthy, so funny!

She became like a sister to me; and I felt like I was home, like I could tell her everything, even though there was not much to say. I had forgotten all my memories but I was making new ones.

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