Chapter 1: Birch Tree

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---Chara's POV---

Birch tree, rebirth new beginnings and growth

I wake up... In the snow? I open my blood red eyes, it... Looks like outside of Snowdin, but it's to Quiet... I see a note next to me and grab it, quickly reading.

'Hello Chara of this AU... I am sorry I couldn't bring back you and this AU till now, But at least I brought you back? Your AU has no name. An AU is an alternate Universe if you didn't know, As you and Frisk Reset people will slowly come back, they will not be the same but they will come back, Outside of Sans who will not show up unless it is on his own, Fate has made him her puppet and he doesn't remember yet.

People will now remember resets and some people will visit, plants will slowly come back as well, you know why, each Monster has their flower or tree. Yours is Birch Tree now, For a new life without genocide and your AU back. To show how you might grow. And of course, To show that you have lived before and will come back to live again.

Sincerely, A friend, Good luck'

I look at it again... I'm going to get everyone back. Everyone will live a new Peaceful life. I will rip apart any who May try to stop me from getting my AU back to life. And getting Sans to Remember.

I Do not care what Flower or Tree they may be now... I guess that means Helping get this place ready, saving, then RESETing to bring people back..? And slowly this AU will become like it once was. Well and full of life, whether harmful or not doesn't matter.

---Error's POV---


I lay on the floor(?) of the Antivoid, looking at the nonexistent ceiling, my strings look like a spider web above, No one ever comes to this part of the Antivoid, only seeing the end of the sider web or surrounding strings, They don't see my strange like of hanging flowers and trees from the "ceiling", or the string art hanging from my strings, the knitted blankets on the ground, They only see the outside, the souls trapped above and blue strings...

Which is good, it keeps me safe... It keeps them away. It helps me not focus more on them... Well, not Safe from the Voices and Fate but it's better here...

Useless Glitch!

I bet you destroyed your own AU! Glitching Freak!

Go do your job! It's the only thing you can do well!

And here they are! It's easier to ignore these Voices... Or pay little attention... Really depends on the day and my mental stability... I wince in pain, feeling the Creation-Destruction Balance get into more dangerous levels of unbalanced... I sigh, getting up. Guess I have to go do my damn job... fuck do I hate this job, it's not even a job! I'm just a damn Puppet!

I open the portal, stepping through to destroy... Better to do it willingly then be a toy on Fate's strings that still BURN... And will only BURN more if I disobey...

---Chara's POV---

Birch tree, rebirth new beginnings and growth

I Finish cleaning up the Plant holders in the Ruins... I can't get rid of the giant dead Oak yet, and replace it with a new Oak. Almost time to SAVE then RESET, Just double check to make sure everything is cleaner then RESET and hopefully bring someone back...

I wouldn't even mind Frisk! Just... someone... and something other than Birch Tree... Hopefully I can get everyone back soon and save Sans! I smile at my work, find a SAVE point, and SAVE before pressing the Reset Button... Soon... Soon I will have my new beginning and old friends.

Soon I will have a life of my own and family.

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