Episode II: Geonosis Aftermath Part 3

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ARC-2411 stepped into the crowded armoury and slipped into the queue of clones as they stepped forward to the armourer's station to return weapons and request upgrades as 2411 neared the Quartermaster he snapped to attention.

'ARC-2411,' he stated matter-of-factly.

'What are you needing ARC Trooper 2411?'

'I need a way to extend my DC-15As range, sir' 2411 explained, placing the weapon on the table between the officer and him.

'Give me a minute I'll see what I've got,' the man said as he ducked into the storage compartment behind him. He was a strange clone, adorned in an olive-drab uniform with pale skin and a strange accent. The man returned a moment later carrying a modified blaster chamber. 'This is a Rothana RX-99 AmpChamber, it'll take the Tibanna of your DC-15A and ignite it at a higher temperature meaning it'll maintain its energy over longer distances,'

'Exactly what I was looking for Lieutenant,' 2411 said as he reached for his weapon and the component before being stopped by the Quartermaster.

'What do you think you're doing trooper?'

'Taking the component, I requested sir,' 2411 said in an even tone.

'You misunderstand trooper, this isn't a charity, if your mission requires it you will be issued it, if you want it permanently you'll need to provide requisition scrip,' the former Judicial said in a darker voice.

'I don't have requisition scrip sir,'

'Then you're gonna need three hundred and fifty Republic Credits trooper,'

'I don't have those either sir,'

At this, a sardonic smile crooked across the Quartermasters lips 'Then I guess you're outta luck trooper. No credits. No AmpChamber,'

'What if I traded then?' 2411 suggested.

At this Idsen shrugged 'What've you got?'

ARC-2411 looked across his utility belt, his eyes settling on his allocated combat knife 'I can trade my M8 Combat Knife,'

At this, a sincere frown of consideration crossed the lieutenants face before wrapping back into its wicked grin 'If you want half an AmpChamber sure,'

'Fine, brother what's the cost of a Jetpack?' 2411 asked, changing topic.

Idsen visibly recoiled at the sentence 'You think I'm one of your brothers? Are you defective? I'm from Carida trooper, haven't stepped foot on that frigid hell hole you call a home in my life,' he said with disgust. A bolt of understanding crossed 2411, his fingers tightening into a fist as it did. 'But yes, I can get you a JT-12C Jetpack for the small price of four thousand seven hundred and fifty Republic Dataries,' at this 2411 burst into a rage.

'Sir I'm an ARC Trooper, I'm trained, and a Jetpack will enable me to get a tactical advantage on hostiles!'

'And I have Clone Jetpack Troopers who need those JT-12s more than you,'

'I am Special Forces! I will need it more than regular troopers!'

'And I'm the Quartermaster the Republic Navy assigned to this assault ship. If you have a problem with that. Take it up with bureaucracy!' Idsen bellowed, slapping the datapad onto the table.

'Sir yes sir,' 2411 growled as he snatched the datapad from the table and strode off.

As the ARC Trooper began to make his way out, AJ had begun to make his way into the armoury. Seeing the Battalion XO, 2411 on drilled instinct snapped to attention and bellowed across the compartment 'Commander on deck!' causing the entire compartment to pivot towards him and follow suit, including Lieutenant Idsen. AJ looked at the troopers around him in stunned confusion as they collectively stood there, implacable and in various states of undress. AJ simply stared at the room perplexed before ARC-2411 spoke into the silence.

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