A New Phantom part 3

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(Change in perspective)-------------

Danny watched as Alex fell to the floor with horror. He did not have any clew what might have done this to Alex. He did not seem to have anything wrong with him earlier.

Danny flew quickly up to Alex and shook him, to no avail. He tried a variety of ghost noises and pounding and funny faces, but Alex just remained still. Then Danny realized just how sick he felt. That crystal had done a number on him. What was that crystal?

Jazz came up and gave Danny a big hug. But Danny did not feel any better from it. He turned back to his human form.

"Jazz, we need to find out what's wrong with Alex" he said.

"But he kidnapped you last night. Isn't it obvious?" Jazz questioned him.

"No Jazz. It isn't. It was a big furry creature that took me last night, looking for a play mate. Alex came and helped me. Although, I do have to wonder how he knew where I was. It was as if he just appeared there." Danny went into thought then snapped himself out of it. "That doesn't matter right now though. What matters is what's wrong with Alex."

Danny ran up the stairs to the main house, leaving Jazz alone with the unconscious Alex. She looked at Alex in his female form, he looked pale. Then she kneeled next to him and turned him onto his stomach. His back had claw marks that oozed green. Jazz thought she was going to through up. "I don't think you took him" she whispered.

Danny came back down the stairs with Jack following him. "I know he's a ghost. But he helped me and I want to repay him. Please help me fix him."

"Danny, he was hit with something. Ugh..." Jazz said, having stood and backed away from Alex.

"Danny, that's a girl ghost" Jack announced.

"He is in his female form! He can change forms. Eww." Danny caught sight of the claw marks on Alex's back.

Jack went up and examined the wound. He even touched the green ooze. He took a sample from the ooze with some tools and went to his microscope. Danny put his hand on the wall to gain balance, he did not feel too well.

About one hour later, Danny was sitting in a chair and they had put Alex on a table so he wasn't on the floor. Tucker and Sam came down the stairs.

"Jazz. You ready to go find Danny? We couldn't get out of school earlier." Sam asked.

"Uh. Hello. Earth to Tucker and Sam. I'm right here." Danny said from his seat. Sam ran up and hugged Danny. "How come you didn't keep Alex from coming alone?" Sam let go and looked at Danny. Tucker, who also wanted to hug Danny, stayed back. "Well? He's hurt because he came alone. Why didn't you stop him? I could have lasted a little while longer."

"We didn't stop him because..." Sam started.

"We thought he...." Tucker tried to continue.

"So you all thought he took me? You let him run off to find me on his own because you accused him of taking me? Well, congratulations, you got your wish. He found me and now he won't wake up."

"We didn't mean for this to happen Danny. We just thought he made the most sense." Tucker said.

"Uhhh..." Alex moaned.

"I figured it out! He's effected with a ghost poison. Now that we have that figured out, all we have to do is make the antidote." Jack yelled out excitedly.

"Done, sweety. I used your calculations and made one right up." Danny's mom (Maddie) said. She went up to Alex and spread some red goo over his wound, which was cleaned of ooze earlier on. Alex started moving, slowly and painfully.

"Ugh, I feel sick" he proclaimed. "What happened? My head is so blank it might as well not have a brain right now."

Danny got up and walked over to Alex. Danny felt better now that he had a chance to sit and relax. He put his hand gently on Alex's shoulder: "don't get up on your own." He paused a moment. "Mom, dad, not that I don't trust you, but could you leave us to talk?"

"Okay... I do have some food to eat upstairs. Anybody want something?" Jack said. Everybody shook their heads and the adults went up the stairs.

Danny helped Alex sit up. Then he asked a question: "how did you find me?"

"There is a dimension in the ghost zone that works a little like the infimap" Alex said. "It has a globe inside that will take you to the object or person/ghost that you wish if it is in the ghost zone. You sometimes have to be specific. But, it is only a one way trip. If you use it without knowing the ghost zone, you are bound to get lost. I found the room a year ago when hiding from a dragon I accidentally stubbed the toe of."

"Wow" Danny, Sam, and Tucker all said together.

"How do you find the dimension?" Asked Jazz.

"It is behind a red door near Pandora's place. It is marked with the eye of Horus."

"Man. Not more to do with mummies." Tucker complained.

"Not mummy. God. Horus, king of the gods. Sure, pharaohs may wear his mark as well, but it is because they were considered the embodiment of Horus. They say that the sign is Horus' all-seeing eye."

"Yeah, but it still is Egypt, and that has a lot to do with mummies" Tucker said.

"You certainly seem to know your stuff about Egypt" Sam commented.

"I read quite a bit of history from Roman times and before. I always thought the gods were interesting, so I learned more about them. When I feel better, how about we take a trip to the dimension? There's a good possibility of getting lost if you use it, but I might as well show you exactly where it is. This door is one of the few that doesn't move very far."

(Change in perspective)------------

After school the next day, I led the group into the ghost zone. I was in male form again because I really would have freaked out our classmates to have walked into class as a female.

Danny flew next to me to make sure I wasn't going to pass out while we flew. I still was not in great condition. Tucker, Sam and Jazz were behind us in the Fenton, umm, in the ghost zone vehicle. I couldn't make eye contact with them yet, it still hurt to think that they didn't believe me.

I opened the door and let everybody in before closing it. I then went up to the globe and beckoned everyone to it. I decided to give a presentation on how it worked.

"Globe of the all-seeing eye. Take me to where my half eaten sandwich from last week is hidden, show me where it lies."

The globe spun for half a minute and stopped. A blinking red light had appeared in Skulker's lair.

"Wow. It went pretty far." I said.

"Dude! That was totally random!" Tucker said.

"Now, if I were to touch the dot, we should all be transported to my sandwich. I only chose that because I was curious where it went. And food is on my mind. I'm kind of hungry." I said. "That's my presentation. Is there anything you guys want to look up?"

They shook their heads, so I decided to get us teleported to the portal instead of traveling.

"Globe of the all-seeing eye. Take me to where the Fenton Portal is hidden, show me where it lies."

When the globe stopped spinning I touched the red dot and we went to the Nasty Burger. I was really hungry.

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