A New Phantom Part 5

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We were losing. I was already weakened from fighting this guy earlier and he obviously knew all of Danny's moves. This was not good. Though, I did notice that Danny had not used his ice rays.

I tried distracting the ghost by shooting past him when Danny was heading in for an attack, but that did not work. I was just ignored. Danny tried howling while I shot beams of energy, but both of us got worn out very quickly. Even after a long time of fighting, we barely managed to lay a scratch on this guy.

"Who is this guy anyway?" I asked Danny.

"He's my past future self" he answered.

"Huh? You made absolutely no sense there."

"He used to be my future self. But I kept the event that turned me into him from happening. Therefore, I will not turn into him. Apparently, though, being taken by Clockwork took him out of time, so he continues to exist. Now he is out to get me so that he won't have to worry about me in the future. Especially now that he won't disappear if he kills me."

"Sounds complicated."

"It is."

"Wait. When you fought him earlier. Did you know how to use your ice powers?"

A smile creeped onto Danny's face: "nope". I zoomed in towards evil Danny. Now that I knew who he was, I had a small idea of what he could do. He dodged me, so I quickly turned and shot at him again. Good Danny was preparing an attack, so I needed to keep the bad guy busy. I did a series of shots like that, until he was fed up, grabbed the collar of my shirt, and tossed me to the ground. It was enough time though.

Danny shot a huge hail of ice at his evil counterpart then finished the combo with an ice beam, which froze him into a solid ball of ice. Before the evil Danny was able to free himself, good Danny sucked him into a Fenton thermos.

We high fived and soared to Danny's house, where his parents sealed the thermos. Then they put it in another containment so it could not be broken. I took the thermos to Clockwork for Danny while he headed back to school.

Man, it was exciting to work with Danny.


Hey! Blackbutlerr speaking. I would like to know if anyone has another idea for this fanfic. If you do and wish to share it, please leave your idea in the comments. I might use it. Thank you for your cooperation.

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