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I don't know what's happening to me. I'm losing my head. I'm surrounded by a pool of dead bodies but I don't remember anything. Is this the cemetery across the street? How did I get here all I remember is falling asleep- then the realization hit me I must of been sleepwalking. But why are there so many dead people just in the middle of the graveyard. Then I looked down at my hands my dress and I started to scream. Blood covered me from head to toe and it wasn't mine I was sure of it. Tears filled my eyes and I took off running I don't know where I was going but it's almost like I couldn't stop myself. I kept running faster and faster till I felt like I might collapse and my lungs where burning and I felt like I was dying. Is this what dying feels like? Oh wait I have already experienced death it is way more painful then this. I sat down on the road and put my head in my hands and just sobbed and sobbed till I cried myself dry. I was trying to think about what just happened. I knew my parents where acting weird for the past few days and didn't seem all that surprised about what was happening to me. Do they know something? They wouldn't keep a secret would they? What about my twin sister Marisa? Is she really on a trip to the Florida beach or did something happen to her? I'm so confused and my head is aching with all this thinking. Just then I see a car pull up next to me and a guy say, "I've been waiting for this to happen."

The 3 Trials- Book 1 of the Trials seriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя