Chapter 2

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"MARISA!" I start screaming. Marisa has started having some kind of seizure attack on the floor after I heard my parents scream. "I'll.......beeee....finnee cccchhheeecckk...ooooonnnn mmmmoooommmm aaaaannnnndddd......dddddaaaadddd." Marisa mumbles out then her head rolls to the side and she passes out. I'm terrified right now. I don't know what to do so I run downstairs to my mom and dad. But I stop when I hear some people yelling in the Living Room. "You will never get her!" I hear my mom shout. "Oh yeah who's gonna stop me? You know she dangerous Helen you don't know what she's capable of. Her stupid Twin is already too far gone." This scary looking man says. "Bill we have known each other for a long time. You have met my daughters before you know they mean no harm. Marisa has already went through them and she is just a little terrified but I will help her through it. Makenzie is strong I know she will make it." My mom is pleading now. "I'm sorry you know I can't take chances." What are they talking about? "I will not let you take my daughters! I've went through them and I turned out fine! You will never be one if us! I am not gonna let you sacrifice my daughter just because you want something you can't have! I don't care if it's for the good of the country I won't let anything happen to them! OVER MY DEAD BODY!" My mother is crying now. "Helen calm down you know how young ones are they are only 18 they are too young Marisa is already feeling the effects and Makenzie is about too. Do you want your daughters to go through the pain of killing millions of people. Let me take the powers away from them I'm a man I can control them and can use it for good not evil like your daughters will." Bill is strangely calm my mother looks like she is gonna strangle somebody. "My daughters are not evil! They are smart and strong they can make it through this I will help them control it." Bill just laughs this evil laugh and stares with these evil eyes that make me cringe at the sight. All of sudden Marisa starts crawling down the stairs like someone in the Exorcist. "Mooooooooom!" She grunts out. I am terrified at the sight and smell of her. My mother looks mortified. "What's happening to me!" She starts yelling and clutching her stomach in pain and agony. I feel a tear run down my face just watching her. My mother kneels down "Listen Marisa your gonna be just fine. Your just going through some changes." My mom reaches down to touch my sister when she jumps on top of her and starts clawing at her face. I run over to her "MARISA STOP IT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID YOU HAVE TOO MUCH SUGAR!" All of a sudden she stops struggling and looks at me fear in her eyes. "Makenzie what is happening I am feeling these urges of rage I don't know where they are coming from." I'm crying know and she starts sobbing and leans against me. Bill has just watched all this unfold silently. My mom gets up and I see she has been crying. "Rissa it's gonna be okay sssshhhhh your gonna be fine." I'm rubbing her hair while she sobs in my lap. "Mom are you alright?" I look at my mom. "Kenz I'm fine." But I can tell she's not. "See Helen she's too far gone she almost killed you. I'm sorry I have no choice I need to do what's best for my country I can control it better and I'm much stronger and won't try to kill people." He grabs Marisa roughly and she starts screaming. I get up and say "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Then I tackle him and wrestle him to the ground. My mom screams when I start punching him in the face over and over again. "YOU ARE A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING GRABBING A YOUNG GIRL THAT WAY I SHOULD KILL YOU NOW!" I don't know where this rage is coming from. All of a sudden I feel something stab in my chest. I realize Bill had a knife and had stabbed me. "NOOOOOOO YOU MONSTER!" My mom yells and runs over to me. I can feel it's harder and harder to breathe. "Makenzie can you hear me. Listen you are gonna be just fine in about a hour. Bill has triggered something that I won't get into right now but I will later I promise. Listen I know you are a strong young woman and you will get through this I've already lost one of my daughters I can't lose another." What is going on? Is my last thought as I feel my heart stop and my last breath comes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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