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***All credit for characters and background goes to the Talented George RR Martin and decent JK Rowling. -ES***

Harry stared blankly at the wall, not caring what the headmaster was saying. Well, not so much not caring as he was preoccupied. He could hear him, he just didn't pay attention, choosing to ignore him and everyone else in the room. All he could think about was how he lost Sirius, all because he couldn't realize that he was tricked by Voldemort.

His summer before his Fifth year had been... bearable, to say the least. He had suffered nightmares based on the graveyard. He had previously been able to place privacy charms around his bed but was not able to here, out of school. What surprised him though was when he woke up from one to find Petunia hugging him, and his Uncle giving a weird look. They asked who Cedric was, and he explained to them what had happened. Vernon began complaining about wizards but said that no child should witness that. S his family left him alone for the most part. Dudley was still an arse but had slowed down so as not to cause a psychological break. Then there was the Dementors. Someone had sent them after him, and he barely managed to save Dudley. He then was expelled and given a farce trial. Needless to say, no one liked him during the said trial. Especially the toad Umbitch, who constantly called him out for lying.

When he began school, Voldemort tormented him with visions of the Hall of prophecy. Of the very prophecy that concerned them, the prophecy that Dumbledore was now telling him '... will have power the dark lord knows not.' On top of that he had to deal with Umbitch, a toad face, pink wearing sycophant from the ministry. She made him use a blood quill every single time he was in her office, and that was regularly.

Then on top of that, Dumbledore had ignored him all school year, only growing concerned when Voldemort was involved. He never understood the old fools fascination with the Dark Lord. As he kept ignoring him, Harry's trust slipped, and he became weary of the Headmaster. He most definitely wasn't pleased with him keeping the prophecy from him and did not like what the Headmaster had him due in response to his vision of Nagini.

That was probably the worse of all the visions, watching Arthur get attacked repeatedly. What hurts him most though was that he was the snake. He was the one attacking Arthur, slowly injecting him with poison. Harry was glad that the Headmaster had listened to him then, but was promptly annoyed by Snape.

The headmaster had Snape try to teach him Occlumency so he may prevent Voldemort from accessing his mind. Needless to say, that was a complete waste of time and energy on both of their parts. Every time he tried to stop Snape, something blocked him, preventing him from controlling his mind space. That same force stopped him from entering said mind space during his meditation exercises. Of course, those would have been easier to do if it wasn't for the pounding headaches.

It all came to a head when he reversed the legilimens spell onto Snape and entered his mind space. Snape hadn't expected Harry to turn the spell on him, and as such had no shields up. What Harry saw shocked him to the core, and Harry now understood why Snape hated him. Snape was furious with him and threw him out of the lab before he could even blink. Later that week, Harry sent a letter explaining how he never meant to hurt Snape, and that he was sorry for what his father and Sirius had done to Snape. Why there was no verbal response, the peace, along with subtle shakes or nods of the head during class, was as much as an answer for Harry.

The year finally ended with the Ministry Fiasco, where Harry was tricked into heading toward the Department of Mysteries, more specifically, the Hall of Prophecy. Voldemort was aware of Harry's attachment to his Godfather and used that as a weakness. He made it appear as if he was torturing Sirius, all for some stupid prophecy. Speaking of which, Dumbledore had just finished telling Harry the prophecy. Harry probably would have kept sulking, if a certain comment hadn't caught his attention.

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