Chapter XIII

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NOTE: [This means they are speaking in French]

Molly set the plate down on the table in front of Narcissa, as has been their tradition for the past three days. Today, breakfast consisted of blueberry crepes, a poached egg, and some ham. Molly sat down with her plate and coffee and began chatting with Cissy about some of the news from other pureblood families. The house has been peaceful for the past twenty-four hours, ever since Tom and Harry fell asleep together. However, as previously mentioned, that peace was not to last.


They stopped eating, staring at each other wondering what happened. And then they heard a roar, "FREDRICK GIDEON AND GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY!!! YOU ARE DEAD!!!!" That was unmistakeably Harry, and it was confirmed when Goerge and Fred bolted out the front door, trailed by an enraged, feathered Harry. Molly and Ciisa stared at the door until they heard the steps creaking. They turned around and saw a perplexed Tom Riddle, who coughed up a few fathers.

MOlly carefully said, "I am so sorry about that. They love to pull pranks on people." Tom nodded, "I can see that. Although, it would have been better if it was done silently." Cissy snickered, amused by the now teen like Dark Lord. Their research into Horcruxes showed that the person would slowly return to the age they were when they made the first Horcrux, which suited them just fine, as it would put him with Harry in the same age group.

Molly tsked, before walking over and clearing away all the feathers and molasses off of Tom. When she finished, she said, "Now, breakfast is ready. I'll get you a plate and some coffee. You must be famished." Tom smiled, "Thanks mum," and then quickly flushed when he realized what he said. Molly stopped dead in her tracks, and she turned to see his face. His anxiety was rolling off of him in great waves, distressed that because it slipped, he would be turned away. She smiled at him, and hugged Tom, "Anytime sweety. That's what mothers are here for."

Tom hugged her tight, kissing the top of her head. He then walked over to the table and sat down. Right as he got his plate, Harry walked back in, followed by a purple and green Fred and George. Molly did the same to Harry, who gave a big hug and said, "Thanks mum," before sitting down next to Tom. Harry smiled at him, and gave a chaste peck to the cheek, "[Good Morning, my beloved.]" Tom smiled blindingly, "[Good Morning to you as well, my lovely Raven.]" Cissy smiled, understanding just what they were saying, while pour Molly sat there with a confused frown.

They began eating and was enjoying the peace and quiet once a-


Molly got up and went to the door, peeking out to find two Aurors and a Goblin. The Goblin had on the crests for the Black and Potter families. She stepped back, realizing they hadn't done anything about the letter from Gringotts. She opened the door, "Good morning IronClaw, Aurors."

Cissy stilled, watching as the Aurors came into the Burrow. She was curious why they were here, but was even more so with a Goblin being with them. The Goblin stilled when he saw Harry and Tom, and then stood straighter. The Goblin cleared his throat, "Lord Potter-Black, it is wonderful to see you. But, may I ask why you are here, especially with him?" Tom stilled in his seat, fearing what this Goblin would do. Harry, however, looked thunderous, "And may I ask why there is a problem with me being here with my betrothed?"

IronClaw froze at that statement, wondering when they had been betrothed to each other. And why would he be with the Dark Lord of all people? He decided to choose a safe route, "My Lord, perhaps we could speak in private?" Harry looked at Tom and gave a reassuring smile, before pecking him on the lips and walking into the living room with IronClaw. The Goblin threw up privacy wards around them so as not to be heard.

He turned to begin questioning, when Harry spoke, "He is my Soul Bonded. We share both a Blood Bond and Soul Bond that was ritualistically made. I am not under any influence from him, as I never take my Lordship Rings off. Furthermore, they wouldn't accept me if I was compromised in any way." IronClaw stood slack-jawed as his head worked through what all this would entail. Finally, he said, "Who is Gaia?" Harry looked perplexed for a moment, then stepped back into the kitchen.

This is where he saw the Aurors arresting Ginny. He stopped, "What is going on here?" IronClaw spoke, "I gave them 72 hours to pay reparations for the contract and drugging or be arrest-" Harry stopped him then and there, "Drop all charges. Ginny was also drugged with Amortentia, only to a much higher degree than me." The senior Auror said, "Do you have proof?" Molly said, "You can question both Potions Master Snape and Master Healer Pomfrey about the discovery."

IronClaw looked at everyone and said, "What is it with wizards drugging wizards?" Simultaneously, they said, "Control." IronClaw blinked before snapping out of it, "Aurors, you may go. I will floo back to Gringotts when my work here is done." The Aurors nodded and left the Burrow just as the Order Members arrived. Moody asked, "Why were Auror's here?" Ginny answered simply, "Me."

IronClaw was truly getting a headache, "Could someone tell me who Gaia was on the Betrothal Contract?" Remus answered, "It was Harry. Does that matter in terms of Estate?" IronCLaw grinned triumphantly, "Yes it does when two lords are involved. Because it now means I am the Account Manager to three of the six Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses."

Harry grinned, while Tom looked at IronClaw with a but of shocked eyes. He never knew Goblins would appreciate such work. He coughed, "I could give you an Overview of my House." IronClaw drew out a parchment and sat down, "I'll get the official paperwork at Gringotts, but anything you can tell me will be useful." Tom nodded, "Very well. I am the only member and will have to reclaim the Lordship. It currently is ranked at Most Noble and Most Ancient, requiring one more generation to be rank ranked as Most Noble and Utmost Ancient... Actually, shouldn't the Potter Family be ranked as that? Seeing as they have been around for over 1700 years?"

IronClaw looked up, "Technically yes, however, they chose to go the normal way. We can bypass it when you two have children, declaring both as Most Noble and Utmost Ancient Houses if you would like?" Tom and Harry looked at each other, having a silent debate. Tom continued, "Very well, that will be appreciated. Anyways, I have merged the Gaunt and Riddle estates under Slytherin, so the total properties now include all of Little Hangleton, Azkaban, and Hogwarts-" Tonks cut in, "You own Azkaban?"

Tom looked at her, "Technically yes, however, the Ministry has been 'renting' it for approximately 100,000 Galleons a year. I'm not about to lose that income. Anyways, then there are Seven vaults; A Lord, Consort, Heir, Family, Heirloom, Artefact, and Business. In total, the Estate is worth approximately 458 million Galleons." Everyone gasped, with Charlie responding, "Harry, looks like you have a sugar daddy."

IronClaw smirked, "Actually, Lord Potter-Black would be the 'Sugar Daddy', seeing as his Estate is worth approximately 6 billion Galleons." Every jaw besides Harry's hit the floor at the comment. Tom knew he was rich, richer than the Malfoys, who was the richest of the pureblood families. However, he forgot that the Blacks held accounts overseas as well as that many Purebloods didn't include the Potter's in their statistics, seeing as they had a muggle name.

Harry smirked at everyone before a thought crossed his mind. He looked at Cissy, "Hey Cis? Who would move in with who?" Cissa looked at Harry a bit before stating, "In this case, you would look at each other's estates and decide on a property. There is no formal ruling." Harry nodded, "I know for a fact you hate Riddle Manor. So, [my dear], would you like to move in with me?" Tom looked at Harry and smiled, "I'll be delighted [my little raven]."


Dear Readers,This chapter was very fun to make. I hope you enjoy the little fluffy moments, as that will make up the majority of my story.Sincerely,EldrenSovrano

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