Chapter V

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Snape swept up the driveway, making his way to the rickety old house that will serve as a temporary meeting location. He knew there was a lot of explaining he would have to do if he wanted to get everyone to see reason. They had the chance to end the war and restore magic without any more bloodshed. The problem fell in with some of the more cautious members. While he could not verify that Harry Potter is the soulmate of the Dark Lord, the Death Eaters knew he took that part of his life seriously.

He stepped up to the door and knocked, waiting to be let in. A few seconds later, Moody opened the door, "Who left Potter and allowed a Dementor near him?" Snape sneered, showing his disgust of the thief, "Mundungus Fletcher." Moody gave a brief grin and moved to the side to let him in. Everyone was here at the burrow, including all of the Weasley children. He went to a chair by the fire and sat down, excepting the drink of scotch from Remus. He took a sip and stared for a little bit.

Once everyone was settled he began to talk, "I called all of us here for a few reasons. One of the biggest is that the prophecy is fake." Everyone gasped, stunned by this revelation, "Are you sure Severus?", Minerva asked. Snape nodded, "There are several secrets that the Dark Lord keeps, however the spells he uses have to be reapplied each time we see him. He did not do so tonight, and thus I can give them to you." Everyone sat forward, ready to hear what would no doubt be information they could use.

Snape took another sip, "For starters, the Dark Lord has his human form once again. He uses a piece of Parselmagic to keep the appearance he had in the graveyard. This information is needed to cause as little disgust as possible for this next piece. The Dark Lord has a Soul Bond with someone. Victoria Zabini had stated that those with Soul Bonds cannot have prophecies about them. I have her confession here, written on Verita-parchment." He laid the parchment down as everyone stared gobsmacked at what they heard.

Hermione was the first to speak, "So, we know that Harry doesn't have to kill him. This means he would no longer be a target for the Dark Lord." Snape thought for a moment, "Yes and no." Remus was on his feet in a heartbeat, "If Harry doesn't pose a threat, why does the Dark Lord wish to still kill him?" Snape rose an eyebrow, "I never said he would kill him. I simply said that the Dark Lord would still... pursue him." Everyone was wondering what he meant until Minerva gasped. They all watched her as she read the confession of Dowager Zabini, before setting it down gently.

She cleared her throat, "Is this true Severus? That Harry Potter has a Soul Bond with the Dark Lord?" Every face in the room paled with slight horror, except for Ginerva Weasley, "He can't have him. I won't let him." The group stared at her as her mother said, "Ginny dear, there is nothing we can do. If he has a Soul Bond, then only his Bonded could be with him." Ginny shook her head, "I don't care. We already have a marriage contract-" While everyone began to give her a look of incredulity, a Brown Great Horned Owl swept in, depositing a letter in front of Ginerva.

She reached to open it, only to jump when it opened itself and said in a booming voice:

Dear Ginerva Molly Weasley,

We at Gringotts wish to inform you of the termination of the Illegal Marriage Contract between yourself and our client, Lord Harrison James Orion Potter-Black. You now have two separate courses of actions. You either pay Lord Potter-Black 350,000 Galleons in damages or be charged with Drugging an Individual with Amortentia, Attempted Line Theft, and Incapacitation of a Lord. You have 72 hours to resolve the matter.



Account Manager of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Account Manager of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Everything was quiet for a few seconds, "GINERVA MOLLY WEASLEY!!!!" Molly was beyond pissed, face redder than a tomato and eyes as black as pitch. Ginnerva paled greatly and took a few steps back, only to be blocked by her twin brothers, Fred and George. They were glaring daggers at her, "Why did you drug him?" they asked together. Ginny sputtered, "I love him. We are meant to be together. And if I can't have him, no one will!" Snape had been watching this all unfold until he noticed her eyes had a slight sheen in her eyes. A mother-of-pearl sheen, which means she was under the effects as well. Snape whipped his wand out and stunned her, causing everyone to gasp.

He turned to Poppy, "I believe Ms Weasley is under the effects of a love potion as well. Could you please scan her?" Poppy nodded and bustled over to the unconscious girl. She began waving her wand in a complex pattern reading the little dings in the magic. She finally stood, "Ms Weasley is under Amortentia. The Makers Signature is too degraded to know who made it. However, I can say that it was not the target with absolute certainty. In case it is not obvious, the Target was Harry Potter."

Remus was still rilling from finding out about his cub, when something clicked, "The War." Everyone looked at him, Ron asking, "What about the War?" Remus looked at Severus, "Is there a chance I could speak to the Dark Lord?" Snape eyed him suspiciously, "And just why would you Remus?" He stood tall, "If I remember correctly, you once said that the Dark Lord was old school and followed tradition. If that is so, then he would seek someone's blessing to court Harry. As his second Godfather, that would be me. I am really to agree under one condition. The complete disbandment of the Death Eaters and an end to the War. At least Physically. Politically is another matter entirely." Snape was surprised, and knowing the Dark Lord, he would probably agree to those terms.

Snape nodded his head, "I'll ask the Dark Lord. I'm sure he would be most grateful. He hasn't had a real reason to disband the Death Eaters. But this, they will do no questions asked. He has been waiting for his bonded since he was 14. That's 56 years, so believe me when I say he would agree in a heartbeat." Remus nodded and sat down, until Hermione asked, "How did they address Harry in the letter?" Snape made a face, "I did forget to mention something. Harry is now a Lord of two houses. His official title is Lord Harrison James Orion Potter-Black, Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Order of Merlin: First Class."

Arthur seemed confused, "He has Two Order of Merlins: First Class, so why did he only make one a Most Noble and Most Ancient House?" Snape stared at him, "I know of the one from his youth, but what is the second?" Arthur thought for a second, "Well I guess he will tomorrow, as the Minister only mentioned it today before we left. Lucius wasn't there, so he would not know. He is giving Harry a Second One for his continued fight against Voldemort." Snape nodded, accepting that as truth. Harry has faced the Dark Lord multiple times and deserves to be commended for such actions.

Poppy came back with the antidote for amortentia and spelt it into Ginerva's stomach. Charlie then picked her up and took her to her room. Everyone settled down once more to a large dinner that Molly had whipped. The night continued with no further discussion, no one noticing a black book vibrating in agitation and excitement.

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