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A new start. That all I've ever wanted really. Somewhere where being me isn't a bad thing. Somewhere I might be able to fit in, or make friends. Thats what this whole move was supposed to be about. I went from a small town in Georgia named Carmel, population, one hundred twenty eight people. One hundred twenty eight people. In towns like that gossip spreads fast, and if even the slightest strange thing happens, by the time it circles back to you its been twisted and turned into this story that isn't even one part true to what actually happened.

So as you can imagine, I didn't have the greatest time back in Carmel. Being the social outcast I am, I really depended on being alone most of my life, but I blame that all on my parents. When did they ever decide that their kind of lifestyle would be okay in the heart or a 'god fearing' state, in a town that depended on church to decide what cereal they were going to eat that mornin'.

Carmel, population one hundred twenty eight god fearing church dependent hicks, and fortunately, thousands of miles away from me. You see, my family isn't the most normal of families. We happen to be magical or as everyone else says, devil worshipers. But we don't actually worship the devil! We might have a black cat or two, and maybe the odd pentagram here and there, and sure we have a pantry full of things like rats fur, bats wings, the heart of a griffin -and let me tell you that was not an easy thing to acquire- but really we're just like you.

We have financial issues, sometimes it's hard too make ends meet when your buying griffin hearts! We have family issues, last time Callum knocked over moms cauldron we had a huge family sit down. We go to school, no matter how many times I complain that I don't need too. We go grocery shopping, more like black markets but it's almost the same thing. We have homework, seriously? And we even pay bills, pointless things if you ask me.

Really were just like you, me even more so. Because you see, we're nearly witches.

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