Chapter One: A New Perspective

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Ah what a beautiful day, the birds are chirpin', the sun is shinin', and I am ready to face the..."Cheyenne Cara Nichols, if you don't get your lazy but down here right now I am taking your brother to school and leaving you behind!" my mom yells at me from down the stairs. Thanks for ruining my peaceful dreams mom. Ugh, school. I was not looking forward to starting school again.

Let me explain a few things first. My names Cheyenne Cara (short for caraphernelia, its a long story) insert whatever last name I have this time. I'm fifteen with one older brother named Kae Alexander-Xerxes Nichols. Yes, Xerxes is his second middle name. No wonder people called us devil worshipers! When they call role in class and they get to our names its Cheyenne Caraphernelia Lilith (did I mention I had a second middle name too?) Nichols, and Kae Alexander-Xerxes Nichols. I remember the one time Kae got bored of his name so he asked people to start calling him Xerxes, and thats about the time people started trying to burn us at a stake, and trust me, we do not take that joke lightly.

But as I was saying, today is my first day of non-hick high school, and I was terrified. What if when they call role everyone stars making fun of me because of my middle names? Or what if people think my black hair is demonic? Or what if my eyes scare someone, like they do every time I make eye contact with someone? I know this is supposed to be the big accepts-all big city, but we all know that theres discrimination everywhere you go.

So what if? Should I even be scared? I'm probably freaking out over nothing, maybe this will actually be the new start we needed. Maybe this tear will be my time to shine.

I jump up out of bed and grab my black skinny jeans, zip up my knee high black leather combat boots, grab my short sleeved white button up shirt, and put on all my bracelets and charms. I run up to the vanity, one of the only things out of the cardboard boxes that seem to own our new house, and try to make sense of the rats nest that is my hair. I part my hair low on the left side, mess it up a little, decide that it's too messy, brush it through, repeat. When I've finally found a nice medium I plug in my straighteners and grab my hairspray and go to work. Now that my hair looks like a perfect punk rock mess, I go over to my boxes labeled 'closet' and dig through them until I've finally found what I was looking for.

I got these gloves as a joke from the bullies as my past school, they're black knit gloves with the bones in a hand on the front. They were making fun of my 'emo-ness' but jokes on them, once I cut the fingers off of the gloves so I could access things better, they soon became one of my favorite things to wear. Especially in the cold autumn days like today. Then I got my red and navy blue stripped scarf and wrap it around my neck. Then I grabbed my worn out brown leather jacket that was thrown over my chair in front of my vanity. Then on my way out I realized I wasn't wearing any makeup.

I ran over to the vanity and scrambled around trying to find what I needed.
"Cheyenne Carapherneila Lilith Nichols I am warning you, you are pushing it. Xerxes is already ready and we're just waiting on you!" my mother shrilled from downstairs. Ugh, can't she see I'm trying to apply eyeliner?! As I finish my eyeliner I smudge it just a little bit, and I'm actually really proud of it. Then I grab my red lipstick and apply that perfectly as always, by now I'm the master at applying this stuff. Blot. reapply, blot and then run out the door to silence the shrieking from your demanding mother.

As I'm jogging down the stairs it finally sinks in that this is my first day. I'm the new kid. Oh god, no one ever likes the new kid. Oh god, please no.

"Bout time Carephernelia," Xerxes says, "we were just about to leave without you." He finishes with a smirk. You see my brother has never had problems like I've had. He has a dark curly brown hair that falls perfectly around his face, and hazel eyes that are warm and kind, perfect teeth, perfect smile, ugh. He always has girls falling at his feet, and not to mention he has perfect grades, he's good at sports, he also likes the music from the radio too. So pretty much my brother is a poster child for pretty much anything you can think of. He also happens to have one hundred percent control over his powers.

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