Chapter 1 pt. 2: Ready to Go

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"Cheyenne! Cheyenne snap out of it!" Kae yelled at my face. Woah, I must have been zoned out really bad for him to actually call me by my first name. Kae stared back at me with a worried look on his face. Okay so maybe I blanked out really bad again...

"Sorry! Sorry! Okay lets go, first day of school yeah!" I said, plastering on a fake smile and mentally preparing myself to try and survive my first day of high school. Mom turned back to me from her spot at the wheel and gave me a very unconvinced look. I turned to Kae and he still had a very worried look on his face.

"Who's Tanner?" Well darn. I don't really want to have this conversation right now. I started shaking and breathing faster. My palms were sweating, and my mind was running a thousand miles a minute. I had to get out of that car. I jumped and hit my head on the ceiling of the sedan my mom drove, and oh my god did that hurt.

I scrambled for my door handle while my mother and brother hadn't moved an inch. I looked back as I grabbed my rucksack and jumped out of the car, only to see my moms sad expression, and my brothers worried and scared face. I would probably be worried and scared too if your little sister started having a random panic attack at the mention of your old neighbors name and had a seizure while trying to get our of the car.

I started running for what I guessed was the entrance considering the amount of kids moving like sheep towards that direction. I heard my brother shouting for me to slow down, but that was not going to happen.
I pulled my stripped scarf up to cover my nose and ears, because oh my god was it cold. Dear lord, I wasn't wearing a jacket so all I had was my gloves and my scarf. Thank god I grabbed my thickest pair of skinny jeans and my knee high boots instead of my vans, then I really would be freezing. I heard a crunching in the frosted brown grass behind me, and I could probably guess who it was.

"How stupid do you have to be to walk out in the freezing cold in only whatever the heck your'e wearing right now?!" Kae yelled at me while simultaneously throwing a black leather jacket in my face. Thanks bro, really appreciate the jacket to the face there. I hurriedly pulled on the jack and thanked whatever deity might be listening for this gift or warmth.

"I was in a hurry." I said, not bothering to look up at him because I knew what I would see. I would either see his weird annoying smirk he wears when he knows I don't have a comeback. That or the face that he makes when he's really worried about me. And I don't think I wanted to see either. You see, my brother was one of the most important people in the world to me. I would die if it meant keeping my brother safe, and even though he gave me a hard time, I knew he would do the same for me. Same with my mother too.

"Yeah I could tell." Kae mumbled underneath his breath. He probably thought I didn't hear it, but I did. I felt bad that I couldn't tell him about that night, but it was best.Also, I honestly thought that Mom would have told him by now, and if Mom doesn't think he needs to know, then I was going to trust her.

We kept walking through the stream of people entering the warm school. People were pushing and shoving to get to the green and black doors, everybody just wanting to get a little warmer than they were. There were kids wrapped in huge coats and boiling, then there were kids on the other side of the spectrum wearing short sleeves and a thin hoodie and shivering. But you could tell that the general consensus was that everybody wanted to get inside.

Once the gust of warm air hit me and my nose starts to thaw, I became one of those people who desperately wanted in. Although I wanted in I wasn't about to sink to the level of everyone else pushing and shoving with elbows and knees. I was going to walk into the rustic school calmly, as to not draw attention to ourselves on our first day. I'm sure that there will be plenty of time to try and explain strange things dying or certain animals not liking it when we passed. I know that none of the sheep from Georgia ever liked it when Ernest passed, but they came running up to my mother. Thats just the difference between a necromancer and a nature witch. And the time the frog came back to life as a puppet wasn't my fault! That was all Kae. Okay, I do have to admit that the time the plant died when I touched it wasn't on purpose! I didn't even know that would happen! Honestly, thats the only time I've ever been able to do anything particularly 'magical' or that anything magical has happened to me.

I sigh thinking, about how Kae has everything in life that he could ever want, and I have nothing. The only thing I did have was music and three, no, two friends that live back in Georgia but now I live in Washington. I'm on the complete other side of the country from them! Not to mention they probably wouldn't want to talk to me anyways. I'm sorry Chrissy.

I doubt anyone in Georgia would want to talk to me anymore. Theres too many unexplainable things surrounding me, in Carmel. Too many weird occurrences, too much black clothing, too bright of eyes. I'm just too me for Carmel. I've caused enough trouble for a lifetime back in Carmel, and instead of facing it, I ran away to the other side of the country. Instead of dealing with my problems I left behind my only friends, Ernest (not that I cared that much about him), and the town I was born in. I'm so sorry Milly.

But it's not like I can take any of it back. Trust me, if I could, I would.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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