Truth or Dare

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Truth or dare always gets a little crazy with the twins, but I'm assuming it might be a little more tame with there little sister here, but I'm not sure. "Ok here are the ground rules" Mione said "No and I repeat NO 7 minutes in heaven" Mione continued making direct eye contact with Fred and George "but everything else is on the table let's start"

"Wait wait wait" George said running to his room and running back with a bottle of fire wisky in hand "ok let's begin" fred said with a evil smirk knowing if Mione has one drink all rules will be gone and it will just be a free for all.

"Ok I'll start Harry truth or dare" Ron said "erm dare" "ok I dare you to drink three shots" "fine" harry says downing the shots

We've been playing for about twenty minutes and every one was a bit buzzed to say the least.

Ginny's POV

I was getting a little worried Mione had forgotten about the plan but it was her turn so before she had a chance to speak I elbowed her in the side and said "mione remember the plan" "yeah yeah yeah uh hu yeah"

"Ok y-y/n truf or darrrrr" mione said obviously drunk "um dare I guess" she said her falling in front of her face as she spoke "Go do 7 minutes in heaven with Gin Gin" I was half excited that I got to go with her but at the same time Mione calling me Gin Gin kinda killed my mood.

Third person POV

Ginny and Y/n walked to the closet kinda awkwardly. Fred and George behind them whistling and hooting. Being as drunk as they were didn't completely know what was going on but they just kinda went with it but with 10× more enthusiasm.

In the closet Mione said "ok timer starts... now" for the first like two minutes the girls were just standing there awkwardly until Ginny finally blurted out "I have to confess something" "what's that?" You responded kinda worried she had figured you out and was about to tell at you

"I like you y/n like I realllly like like you"

Oh my god I sound like a fucking five year old why did I have to say I like that ahhhhhgggg! Ginny thought

You were overcome with surprise and pure joy and you couldn't help it you grabbed her face and pulled it towards yours till your lips finally collided her lips were soft and warm like a summers day.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh she kissed me you both thought as you pulled away

You still had your hand on her face and hers on your waist both of your faces pink when the door swung open to revile a smirking hermione when she saw you both she squealed with excitement and Harry and Ron rushed over to make sure she was ok.

"Mione are you ok" ron asked fear lacing his voice "I'm fine Ronald now if you dont mind I must be getting to bed, Ginny." She said grabbing her arm and dragging her to her room.

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