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Louis💙😁: hey someone once told me that if I want to get close to the person I like I should express my feelings to them.

Louis💙😁: so here I am telling you that I have feelings for you and that I can't stop whatever is holding me back from telling you that you literally make me the happiest person alive.

Louis💙😁: I like you so much and I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me someday?

Harry: oh hey Louis I think you sent that to the wrong person and to whoever you are sending that to they can't say no bc you literally are expressing your feelings to them and telling them that they make you the happiest that's is the sweetest thing they will ever read.

Louis💙😁: no I don't think I'm texting the wrong person.

Harry: I think you are.

Louis💙😁: nope I'm not,Harry I like you. I want you to know that you're the one that I'm catching feelings for.

Harry: but how,that's not possible,I am so ugly. Nobody likes me.

Louis💙😁: omg Harry you're not ugly you're perfect to me and I like you so don't ever say that no one likes you bc I like you so much that I can't let you say that about yourself. You're every thing I want.

Harry: Louis you can't like me just because I told you to express your feelings to one person you're catching feelings for and bc I like you. I think you thought I was talking about me but no Lou go express your feelings to the actual person.

Louis💙😁: Harry Styles I like you and I had these feelings for you since you accepted the clothes I wear and that you accept me. You're so sweet to me and that's what I like about you. So don't tell me that I'm texting the wrong person bc I'm surely not.

Harry: so you really like me? 🥺

Louis💙😁: yes Harry and I would actually like to see you in my future so that's why I'm asking you to go on a date with me,so will you?

Harry: omg yes!

Louis💙😁: ok so can you send me your address so that I can go and pick you up tmr morning like at 10 am pls?

Harry: yes it's ******************

(I don't want to put a real address bc it might be someone's)

Louis💙😁: ok thank you so much. I'll be picking you up tmr then.

Harry: ok yeah see ya tomorrow then.

Louis💙😁: bye love. xx

Harry: bye! xx

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