2. He's Here

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A/N: once again, i struggled with the song choice, but i ended up here and i'm not mad about it so i give up. also, a quick note: i have no idea what it's like at Stanford, i just know it's in California and so is Caltech so close enough. let's just use our imagination and ignore the geographic issues, mkay? great. happy reading, folks :)

Daisy walked out of her room and stopped when she saw you. You looked like you had just seen a ghost.

"Hey?" Daisy asked, confused, " What happened? Don't tell me the killer came for you too."

"The Behaviour Analysis unit. They're coming to investigate the murders."

"Oh, that's all?"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Carter asked as he emerged from his room.

"That was his dream job," you explained, "To be on that team."

... You looked out at the night sky. The view from the roof was perfect. Almost as perfect as the person sitting next to you.

"So what do you wanna do?" you asked, "After you've got your thousands of PhDs?"

"I wanna get into the FBI. The Behaviour Analysis, to be more specific," Spencer paused for a moment, "I wanna help people. Use my knowledge for good."

"I think you'd be perfect for that. You're the helping kind of person," you added, "You'd be a terrible criminal, so that was already off the table. If you can't beat em', join em'."

"What're you talking about? I'd be a great criminal," Spencer said sarcastically.

"You would probably burn down someone's house, then leave your card and say you'd pay for the damages," you both chuckled.

"Yeah," Spencer agreed, "You're probably right."

You both looked out at the dark landscape in front of you; comfortable silence filling the air. You let your head fall onto his shoulder and he put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer...

"Shiiiitt," Carter and Daisy dragged out in unison.

"Well maybe he didn't make it in," you finally broke your tableau, turning off the stove burner, "Maybe he failed his physical qualifications or something."

"He was pretty scrawny," Carter said through a smirk, "What did you even like about that twig anyway?"

Daisy smacked him on the arm and they scowled at each other. Carter not-so-subtlely mouthed 'what' and Daisy just shook her head and smiled, turning back to face you.

"It'll be fine," Daisy assured, "Even if he is here, it's a big campus. It can't be that difficult to avoid him. And I doubt he even is. Getting into the FBI at 22? Even for a genius, that's ambitious."

"Yeah," you tried to convince yourself, "I doubt he's made it in yet. It's probably fine."

You tried to push the panic out of your thoughts, but it was no use. You were hardly convinced he couldn't make it in if he wanted. And if he was here, you knew it wouldn't be long before you inevitably had to face him again. You were screwed.


You woke up from your nap feeling completely out of it. You barely even remember going back to your room, let alone falling asleep. You groaned and rolled over to your side, checking the time on your alarm clock.

... "What time is it?" a familiar deep voice asked from beside you.

"Mmm," you groaned sleepily, turning your head to check the time, "2. We must've fallen asleep for a while."

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