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It's Ranboo's first time visiting Philza's Dance studio. The tall teen stood in front of the doors. Even from there he could hear different notes of different songs. He could hear classical ballet, loud pop, spanish songs, irish songs, and more drifting out of the studio.

He took a deep breath, double checked that the picture Tommy sent matched up with the front of the building and..., he got hit by a door.


Ranboo had no idea who said that. All he knew was darkness. Okay maybe that was a tad too dramatic. All he knew was that there was a smiley face mask staring over him and his head hurt like hell. The smiley guy pulled him up and dragged him inside.

'Guess I'm going to be kidnapped.' Ranboo thought

Luckily for him however, he wasn't kidnapped. Rather, he was brought inside and Tommy ran up to him.

"Aw fuck you really weren't lying." Tommy pouted.

Ranboo looked around before it occurred to him that Tommy was shorter. He looked down and saw the blonde looking at him with poorly hidden disgust.


"Ranboob!!" Ranboo turned and saw Tubbo dragging a tired Fundy over. He waved at them.as they approached.

From the corner of his eye however, Ranboo could see the smiley faced freak peeking out of a door and slowly retreating. Ranboo regrets coming to this place. Wait did the mask have an 'XD' instead of a smile?? Ranboo didn't realize how tense he was until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He hit the hand out of reflex and when he turned around he saw the smiley mask. Wait, what?

"Uh. Sorry about hitting you with a door man." He said. "Name's Dream though you might already know that."

Ranboo nodded and he impulsively said "Oh yeah. The guy that lost a 100k to Technoblade right? Yeah I know you."

Ranboo slapped a hand to his mouth and put his head in his hands, thoroughly embarrassed.He sighs and follows Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy into a spare practice area, leaving Dream stunned as George and Sapnap laugh at him.

He walks in and sees his three friends chatting with a pink haired man. Tommy, who seems to have forgotten what happened earlier, waved him over saying " Hey Big Man! Get over here and talk to The Blade!"

'Oh god dancing and fencing legend Technoblade???' Ranboo panicked. He could barely stutter out a proper answer when Tubbo dragged him by the arm to talk with him. Now Ranboo might be 6'6" and his height may be intimidating enough but The Technoblade is most definitely 10x more intimidating.

"Technoblade." Ranboo said.

Techno narrowed his eyes at the tall teen and replied "No." and he walked off.

Niki saw this as she was about to walk in the room. Ranboo feigned confidence and said "I think that went well!"

Niki happily clapped and cheered for him even when he slumped over and took back his previous statement.

Tubbo smacked his palm on his forehead and said "Oh shit that's right! I forgot we still need to add you into the miners' discord!"

The boy quickly whipped out his phone and after a few moments, Ranboo felt a buzz in his pocket from his phone. He stared down the smiling teen and screeched at him before he whipped out his phone and accepted the invite.

The rest of his time at the Dance studio was spent getting dragged around by Tubbo and being glared at by Tommy. He stood in front of the doors chatting with Tommy (and subsequently switching shoes as well) when they both heard rustling from the bushes.

Earlier before this, Tubbo had gone through the bushes because he saw something. The two of them were expecting Tubbo to shoot out of the bush but instead, a small child came running out with Tubbo close by.

Tubbo scooped up the giggling toddler and held them up to Tommy and Ranboo. "Guys! Meet Michael!!"

Michael happily waved at them with the hand that was not carrying a chicken plushie. Tommy and Ranboo awkwardly greeted him as Tubbo went on a rambling about how "Ranboo he's actually one of our fans! Ranboo can we mentor him?! Ranboo I want to mentor him!!"

Tommy cut Tubbo off mid ramble and said "Woah there mate, first of all, he's a toddler. Second of all, what's my role in all this??"

Tubbo shoved Michael in Ranboo's arms and said "Number one, we'll offer to babysit him. Number two, you can be the uncle."

Tommy thought for a moment and shrugged, seemingly satisfied. Ranboo looked down at Michael who giggled and smiled back at him. Yep. He's the kid's babysitter now.

Can I turn this into a chatfic?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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