Family Drama

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Bella POV

My twin sister was coming to visit and I think it's a bad idea but apparently everybody else thinks we should just let her come and see what happens. She's already met everybody and she knows about us. Most of us don't get along with her because of her mates. She's mated to the top guards in The Volturi. It's terrible and she's putting our whole family in danger. They tried to hurt Renesme and I'll never forgive them for that. Edward agrees with me thankfully. She doesn't know that most of us hate her yet but if she starts talking about her mates again, I won't hesitate to speak my mind.

Clara POV

I was packing for my trip to Forks when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Turning around slightly I saw that it was Alec. "Alec you have to let me pack. It's time I talked to my sister." He sighed and let me go to finish packing. "I know you want to talk to her amore but what if they hurt you? Jane, Felix, Demetri and I couldn't handle that." I stopped packing to comfort my mate. It hurts all of us to think about the other being hurt. Even though Jane and him aren't mates they're twins and it still hurts them when the other is hurt. "Alec my love I'll be okay. I know you both can't come with me so how about Demetri and Felix come with me for protection since they don't have to go on the mission this time." He nodded slowly still unsure of how safe I would be. Heidi came in after knocking to say that we were needed in the throne room.

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