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Mitsuki woke up in a damp looking room after seeing Narukami's execution and a blinding light.  

'Am I dead?'


'Holy Shit I'm Dead'

Kaz- "You're not dead!"

Mitsuki heard Kaz yell from the back.  

Mitsuki- "I'm...... not?"

Sakura- "Yeah!  We all woke up after our deaths!"

Miona- "We were forced to watch the rest until it ended."

Mitsuki- "Oh.... oh no..."

Nakajima- "Is this hell... i didn't expect you two to be here."

A groggy Nakajima pointed to Sakura and Mitsuki.  

Mitsuki- "We're not dead an- you're still missing a hand."

Nakajima looked down at her missing hand.

Nakajima- "Damn..."

Suzuki- "We should leave... we probably can."

Suzuki pointed to a slightly opened door.  

Everyone rushed out the door almost at the same time.  

Pochikuma~You think it's over?  There's another coming soon!  Rufufuff and remember this is BLLLIIIIIIIND WAAAAAAAAAAR~

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