Chapter II

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"I promise."

I studied Eren's face. I knew she wouldn't tell anyone; it was more-so for me to decide whether I should tell her or not. I mean... it was awkward. One part of me wants to talk to Eren about this because she's my best friend, but the other part of me knows I shouldn't because it's about her...

"There's a girl."

I say, avoiding Eren's eye contact.


I rolled my eyes.

"There's a girl, and I think I might like her. But... But I know I'm straight."

Oh god. I regretted saying it the moment it came out of my mouth. This was so embarrassing! I felt a hundred different emotions hit me at once. This is the first time I'd talked to anyone about this.
Why did it have to be Eren?
Eren is the only person I feel comfortable enough to talk to like this...
Maybe that's why I kind of... maybe? might... like her?

"Well, if you think you like her, could you be like... bisexual? Or maybe pan?"

I could tell that Eren was trying to help; she genuinely cared about me. But now, all I want to do is turn all these emotions off. I made a mistake choosing to open up to her.

"No. It's dumb..."

"No it's not. You're allowed to like whoever you like. Whether they're a boy or a girl or anything in between."

"Easy for you to say. You don't have to deal with this shit. You wouldn't know anyway."

I could hear the nasty tone in my own voice as I said it. I covered my mouth in shock.

Oh no.

I didn't think before the words came out of my mouth. Eren looked at me with her brows furrowed.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

She sounded annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Eren. I didn't- "

"You think using my name is going to make it okay?"

"No, that wasn't-"

"Like you'd know!"

Eren raised her voice as she stood up and started grabbing her things. She slipped her shoes on as I stumbled over my words, trying to explain. I didn't mean to say something so mean. But Eren made it obvious she didn't care what I had to say.

"Please, I'm sorry. I... I wasn't thinking,"

"I'm trying to be here for you and you turn on me so quick! YOU chose to talk to ME. I don't need this."

She stormed out of my room and I heard her footsteps heading toward the front door.


I called out right as the door slammed shut.


I lay curled up on my bed. I felt bad for snapping at Levi... I just hated how she acted! She just assumed that she's the only one who can be going through things.
But, I know she didn't really deserve it. I knew that she was struggling to open up and she probably only said it because she was feeling vulnerable and frustrated with herself. Me getting upset surely didn't help. I wish I had just stayed calm instead of getting upset too. I grabbed my phone and sent Levi a message.

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