Chapter 7

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Sky had decided to explore the village a little on her own despite the protests of Nat and Cato. She wore one of Nat's hoods to cover her face but besides that her outfit remained the same. As she wondered through the icy market she realised just how different everything here was compared to back home. The food, the people, the language, Sky couldn't understand anything anyone was saying I mean how could she, she had only just started learning Latin she wasn't fluent. She grunted as she fell to the floor after bumping into someone.

"Watch where you're going human," the figure said the word with such venom that Sky wanted to sink even more into the snow but never the less she got up.

"I'm truly sorry Leyna I didn't mean to,"

"Yeah ok," and she continued walking. Sky shook her head I guess it was her fault for making Leyna  like this she made the character after all but she hoped that she could somehow get Leyna to open up around her. She continued exploring the village while pondering that fact.

"Ma'am, ma'am," Sky turned to see a guard walking to her she started to panic since when were there guards? And why was he coming to her? "Velis buy aliquid de armenti," 

Oh right they spoke Latin here he was asking if she wanted to buy something. This is what her lessons were for. How do you say no? "Gratias ago tibi, non ego sum hodie non habetis argentum," she explained saying she had no money with her today.

"Tum quoque, quod sic qou petere ah?" Shoot he just asked where she was going.

"Um I'm sorry I'm not really from here I'm just exploring," she cursed herself as she realised she had said that in full English. The man looked confused but then it seemed to dawn on him he gasped and said.

"Um oportet Venire mecum, you must come with me," he grabbed her by the arm and pipulled her toward a cart. Oh shoot Sky thought as she was pushed into the seat next to the wheel.


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the short chapter it's just a filler because I've kinda run out of ideas I will still try to update though!

(If you have any ideas please comment!)

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