Chapter 8

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"Nat stop pacing it's annoying she's fine," Leyna said.

"I'm worried ok I don't know where Sky is. She's special how else is she here. I mean we've never seen a human like her," Nat replied you could tell she was nervous. Sky was innocent she looked happy. Where was she?


"Yeah her eyes, they looked like a thunderstorm and the shimmering waters of willona's fecundat harena," Cato jumped in.

"That's impossible, my mom mom said the only human that had the eyes like that was the unum tenebris," 

"It's true, I swear on Mans nosaukums Leyna gasped. You couldn't break that which means she really is the-


She gulped looking at them and said something that sent a shiver down their spine. "I just made a horrible mistake,"

"What do you mean," Cato said leaning against the desk.

"I mean that I-I," she took a deep breath. "I thought she was here to hurt us so Icalledasoldiertotakehertothepalaceandiamsosorry!" She clamped her mouth shut her eyes wide.

"Wait what? I don't think either of us understood what you said, so say it again slower," Natalie said.

"Um I don't think I want to say it again,"

Cato's eyes went wide curse his linguae tribe genes thought Leyna.

"You called a soldier to take her to the palace!" Leyna looked down in shame.


"I'm sorry ok I was jealous that you guys thought so much of her and you just met her and I never got that attention even before we met her. You know what go save your damsel in distress I don't care anymore,"

"Leyna," Natalie pleaded but was cut off as leyna stormed out. She looked at Cato they were about to go save Sky.


Super short filler! I'm still at a HUGE writers block any help will be appreciated!

Unum tenebris- means the dark one

Mans nosaukums- means my title if you break this you get banished

Linguae- means linguistic his tribe/people's job. Is to be ambassadors so he can understand most people who spread other languages or people who speak fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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