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"Miss Park Chaeyoung", our professor called out my name as she checks the attendance. I widely smiled and raised my hand. All my classmates looked at me in awe. Which is not new. Teacher Lim just nodded and continued with checking the attendance. "Miss Kim Ye--"

The door opened with a loud bang, revealing a guy with  a tall figure, that gorgeous looking face, sweating, and breathing heavily. He searched with his eyes, trying to look for a certain someone. Searching the classroom, his eyes landed on mine, that made him smile widely.

"Mr. Jeon, what are you doing?!" Our teacher asked as she crossed her arms above her chest with furrowed brows looking at the guy. "You're late, and you have the guts to interrupt my class?!", she added.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Lim. You may continue with the class." He said as he happily made his way towards me, with all eyes on him.

"Kids these days," Teacher Lim murmurmed under her breath which can still be heard, making the students laugh.

Sitting on the chair, he put his bag on the side and looked at me, smiling again. "What?" I asked him before paying attention to the front.

"You're beautiful," he said resting his cheek on his knuckles, making him have a pout.

"You always say that, like everyday." I chuckled playing with my pen, which he then grabbed.

"A daily reminder." he squinted his eyes as he smiled again, before giving me a chocolate. "Here."

"What's this for?" holding the chocolate and looked at it, confused.

"A girl gave it to me, earlier." he said leaning his back at the chair.

I looked at him, tilting my head slightly because of confusion as to why he would give me a chocolate that was given to him. He just chuckled.

"Just kidding. It's a gift," he then took his notebook and listened to class again.

"Okay...?" I listened to the class as well.

Class ended, and we're heading towards the cafeteria, when suddenly a girl came towards us and gave Jungkook a letter and a box of chocolates.

Jungkook looked at the girl and just chuckled. He took a glimpse of me and started walking away from the girl. With hands in his pockets, he walked cockily to the cafeteria.

"Tsk." I mocked, and looked at the girl who is now at the edge of crying pools and buckets of tears. "I'm sorry for his behavior. He wasn't taught right. Let me give that to him." I smiled as she nodded and walked away.

first chapter! sorry for the small uodate, will update a much more improved and longer chapters soon! love y'all!

Everybody Wants You | rosekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora